hi305 manage if health informtion

HI 3 05 - U n it 9 A s s ig n me n t P roject P la n nin g fo r Qua lity Co d ing P rog ra m s U n it o u tco m e a d d ress ed in th is A ss ig n m e n t: ● Desc ribe the componen ts of a project. ● Desc ribe differen t project tea m structures. ● Understan d the respon sibilities of the project manager. ● Understan d the step s in planning an d organ izing a project. C o u rse o u tco m e a ss ess ed in th is A ss ig n m en t: ● HI305-5: Differen tiate betwee n variou s project management techniqu es to en sure efficient workflows. ● HI305-6: Manage the strategic an d tactical planning for hea lthcare inform ation systems. A H IM A C E E C u rr ic u lu m M app in g Dom ain Sub dom ain Com petency Domain I. Data Con ten t, Structure & Stand ards (Information Governan ce) Subd omain I.A. Class ification Systems 2. Iden tify the function s and relation ships betwee n hea lthcare class ification systems Domain I. Data Con ten t, Structure & Stand ards (Information Governan ce) Subd omain I.A. Class ification Systems 3. Map terminolog ies, vocab ularies and class ification systems Domain V. Complian ce Subd omain V.B. Coding 1. Con struct and maintain processes, policies, an d procedures to en sure the acc uracy of coded data based on established guidelines Domain V. Complian ce Subd omain V.B. Coding 2. Manage coding audits A ss ig n m en t R eq u ire m en ts ● Please complete a PowerPoint presentation . ● Add speaker notes in your PowerPoint presentation . ● Quoting should be less than 10% of the en tire project . Paraph rasing is necessary. ● Stud en ts must cite and ref eren ce at lea st 3 cred ible sou rces from the KU Library or an online resource . ● Please be sure to downloa d the file “W riting Cen ter Resou rces” from Doc Sharing to ass ist you with mee ting APA expectation s for written Ass ignmen ts. In st ruction s As the Director of Health Information in a large health system, you have been tasked to prepare for a compliance audit by the CEO and Board of Directors. This will involve scheduling a departmental meeting, but many of the employees telecommute. In order to ensure all employees are able to participate, you will need to plan a virtual meeting. You will develop a PowerPoint presentation that will be used in that meeting. Your PowerPoint presentation should include the items listed below. In addition to your textbook and the Kaplan library , the following resources will be beneficial in gathering information for your presentation: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services https://www.cms.gov/Regulations -and - Guidance/Administrative -Simplification/Code -Sets/index.html AHIMA Body of Knowledge http://bok.ahima.org/Pd fView?oid=71473 UHDDS and Federal compliance guidelines, Official coding guidelines from CMS, AMA, National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCHVS), the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI), and AHA. Part Com petency Assessed In structions 1 Identify the functions and relation ships be tween hea lthcare class ification sys tems.

Distinguish the difference between a classification system and medical vocabulary and terminology and explain what a HIPAA code set is. Choose three (3) classification systems identifying the functions and relationships among these systems. (Examples include but are not limited to ICD, CPT, SNOMED -CT, DSM, RxNorm, LOINC, DICOM). 2 Map terminolog ies, vocab ularies and class ification sys tems.

Develop a chart and use it to illustrate mapping of standard clinical terminology to a HIPAA code set. You should provide a three (3) examples. (Examples include but are not limited to LOINC to CPT, SNOMED to ICD, one code set to another code set) 3 Con struct and maintain process es, policies, and procedures to en sure the acc uracy of cod ed da ta ba sed on estab lished guide line s. Construct two (2) policies, processes and procedures to ensure the accuracy of coded data based on established guidelines and provide justification as to their importance. 4 Man age coding aud its. One of the policies and processes listed in #3 should include managing coding audits incorporating audit principles and reporting processes.