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Running head: Investigating the Veterans Affairs Medical Appointment Scheduling System 0

Part 1 Project

Investigating the Veterans Affairs Medical Appointment System and Waiting Times

Richard Hairston

Kaplan University

GM505 Action Research and Consulting Skills

Dr. Heidi Gregory-Mina


Nature of Customer Service at VA Medical Center

This action research project entails the scope and the purpose of the study, how data will be collected and analyzed, the stakeholders involved and their varying interests, and how the background of the study will be laid. The research project will be done to establish why it takes so long to get an appointment within the primary care clinics at Veterans Affairs (VA) medical treatment facility in Helena Montana. This topic was chosen because for a long time, the veterans of this country have really suffered from problems originating from the department of veterans of affairs (Miller, 2012). There are seven major stakeholders involved in this action research project as indicated in the Critical Mass Grid (Appendix) done earlier. These include: government, customer service representatives, nurses, doctors, veterans, healthcare billing offices, local clinics, and hospitals.

This research project will take approximately two weeks to accomplish. This is because the research project has to collect data, analyze the data and see the correlation that exists between various variables. The stakeholders involved in this research project will have to use the results of this study depending on their varying needs and the interests.

Scope and Purpose

The research project will be done to establish why it takes so long to get an appointment within the primary care clinics at Veterans Affairs (VA) medical treatment facility in Helena Montana. For a long time, the veterans of this country have really suffered from problems originating from the department of veterans of affairs (Miller, 2012). The study will access unlimited sources in order investigate this problem thoroughly. The medical support assistants will be my inquiry team since they deal with the patients appointments. The study will facilitate the interaction with the veterans, to the doctors, to upper management. In order to establish why it takes so long to get an appointment within the primary care clinics at Veterans Affairs (VA) medical treatment facility in Helena Montana, this study will examine the varying needs of the stakeholders and how they can be addressed.

This research project will take approximately two weeks to accomplish. This is because the research project has to collect data, analyze the data and see the correlation that exists between various variables. The stakeholders involved in this research project will have to use the results of this study depending on their varying needs and the interests.


There are seven major stakeholders involved in this action research project as indicated in the Critical Mass Grid (Appendix) done earlier. The main stakeholder in the affairs of the veterans is not just the government, but it’s the Veteran seeking treatment. The Veteran is suffering from not being able to seek medical treatment in a timely manner, and its limited to healthcare opinions due expensive insurance plans (Miller, 2012). The government in this case has various expectations. The government wants to see that the patients are given proper care, law is respected, and that the cost of offering services is affordable to the patients.

On the other hand, the expectations of veterans want to get quality medical services. They also want to get affordable medical services which are reliable. The customers are looking for the business organization that will listen to their needs and wants or complaints and handle them with a human heart. Many organizations out there have even contracted consultants that will help them address their relationships with the customers. This is very important to ensure that the organization is able to maintain a long term relationship with its customers. A long term relationship means that the parties involved in the relationship treat each other with utmost good faith and that they are willing to undergo an extra mile in order to meet the needs and aspirations of one another. This is to say in case of customer satisfaction, the organization should even be willing to undergo some loss to meet emergence needs of s long term customers. In other words, the organizations should not look at how it is benefiting in short run but should instead look at the customers in a long term dimension and strategize on how win that customers. As such, there is need to ensure that the organizations come up with ways of meeting the customer needs and wants.

The second stakeholder and inquiry team members is the patient representative/ customer service rep personnel who are always in direct contact with the veterans on a delay basis. The customer service professionals to win more customers through treating them well. They also want to attract new customers. They want the working environment to be improved in order to offer quality services. They need to be paid well.

Medical Support Assistants, Nurses, doctors and community care coordinators will take a major in this action research to collaborate on the question at hand, and also find answers. Their desired role as I see with this research project is where I can accomplish most of my research with the inquiry team that is placed within each perspective group. The medical support assistants, nurses, and doctors expect to be empowered in order to deliver quality services. Empowering these employees can be through training and development. The skills and the competences of the nurses can be improved through training and development. This means that the employees will have the skills necessary to perform their duties with diligence and utmost care handling the veterans or patients. This means that the patients will receive high quality healthcare services. This will improve the patient satisfaction. For this reason, the healthcare organizations should invest more in training of their work force especially on the customer service element.

Further, employee empowerment to the nurses will improve the patient outcomes when treating asthma. Employee empowerment is the strategies applied in an organization to ensure the non-managerial staff members are able to take control and make decision of their operation without consulting their managerial staff or their bosses (Menon, 2001). The decision to be made by these employees might be large or small depending on degree of power in which an organization may decide to invest employees. Usually, the empowering of employees tends to start with training followed by conversion of whole enterprise to a model characterized by empowerment. On other hand, it may involve giving the employees the power and abilities to take control and make some critical decisions on certain situation on their own. Empowered employees are always conscientious, loyal and committed and this will improve the patient outcomes (Burston, Chaboyer, & Gillespie, 2014). They are in position to serve as steady ambassadors for their businesses since they are very eager to share knowledge and ideas.

The employees are the ones in charge of servicing the customers. As such, there is need to ensure that these employees are equipped with skills and knowledge to ensure that they serve the customers well. For this reason, the organizations should invest in training their employees to ensure that they get to appeal to the needs and wants of the customers. The interaction between the organization and customers is very important to determining the level of customer satisfaction. Normally, the customers will remember how they were served by the organization rather than the product they purchased. Most researches show that most customers tend to stick to the organization that gives them “human” service.

Last stakeholder would the external facilities and organizations, such as local treatment clinics, hospitals, and healthcare billing offices that will be affected by change of business practices. They will provide a crucial role in this research project as to become part of the inquiry team to find the best possible solution that will benefit the customers, and the organizations involved in the treatment.

Appraisal and Involvement

The topic of this project is: Establishing why it takes so long to get an appointment within the primary care clinics at Veterans Affairs (VA) medical treatment facility in Helena Montana. This topic was chosen because for a long time, the veterans of this country have really suffered from problems originating from the department of veterans of affairs (Miller, 2012). In other words, this research project will look at the issue of customer satisfaction and how the interests of various stakeholders involved in delivering the services are taken care of. The research about the customer satisfaction is very important. This is because, ordinarily, the needs and wants of the market keep on changing. That is, the tastes and preferences of the market will be influenced by many factors such as change in technology, social media influence, economic conditions, customer’s perception, entrants of many substitutes in the industry, among other factors. For this reason, there is need for an organization to have an elaborate strategy of ensuring that market research is continuously carried out so as to ensure that the needs and wants are met every day. One way of achieving this goal is to ask for customer feedback whenever the organization serves them (Morgan, 2010). As such, the customers should be given some comment cards to fill in order to give the organization insights on how to improve its services.

The organization will be able to respond to the needs and wants of the market if the market research is done accurately. Further, there is need to engage consultants to ensure that the organization is able to use the current methods of carrying the market research. This will greatly ensure that the organization has addressed the changing needs and wants of the market effectively (Schein, 2009).


The findings of this research will help the healthcare organizations be able to understand the varying needs of various stakeholders who are involved in delivery of medical services. For this reason, the management will be able to come up with strategies that will ultimately ensure that they enhance the customer satisfaction of the veterans and hence gain what is referred to as customer loyalty. Further, the interests of working staffs such as doctors, nurses, and customer service representatives will be catered for. When the customers are well satisfied they tend to remain loyal to an organization in that they find their needs and wants are well met. The researcher will gain more knowledge in the area of customer satisfaction and will therefore be able to have a deeper understanding of various interests of different stakeholders in healthcare organizations. Further, the strategists and consultants will benefit with the findings of this research as they will be able to have more knowledge in addressing the needs and wants of the customers or veterans/patients.

The results of this research project will be available in approximately two weeks time. This is because the research project has to collect data, analyze the data and see the correlation that exists between various variables. The stakeholders involved in this research project will have to use the results of this study depending on their varying needs and the interests.

Plan to obtain data

The data will be collected by use of questionnaires, focus-group discussion, observation, and interviews from the medical staffs, customer representatives, and general staffs of the medical treatment facility in Helena Montana. Further, information about the organization will also be obtained from the case studies and website. The data will be analyzed through charts, percentages, graphs, among other tools applicable. I have acquired technical skills on how to operate various software and applications. This will help me in analyzing the data by use of the data analysis tools in the computer.

Laying the groundwork

I have prepared the questionnaires with both close-ended and open-ended questions to present to the respondents. Further, I have carried out a pilot project with another healthcare institution to ascertain the effectiveness of my questionnaires. Further, I have approached various authorities to seek permission to carry out this study. These include the University administration, the management of the organization from where I will collect the data, among other stakeholders.


This paper sought to investigate why it takes so long to get an appointment within the primary care clinics at Veterans Affairs (VA) medical treatment facility in Helena Montana. The stakeholders involved in this research were government, veterans, medical personnel, and external facilities and organizations, such as local treatment clinics, hospitals, and healthcare billing offices that will be affected by change of business practices.


Burston, S., Chaboyer, W., & Gillespie, B. (2014). Nurse‐sensitive indicators suitable to reflect nursing care quality: a review and discussion of issues. Journal of clinical nursing, 23(13-14), 1785-1795.

Menon, S. (2001). Employee empowerment: An integrative psychological approach. Applied Psychology, 50(1), 153-180.

Miller, T. W. (2012). The Praeger handbook of veterans' health: History, challenges, issues, and developments. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger.

Morgan, G. (2010). Leadership: The Management of Meaning. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 18 (3), pp. 257-273.

Schein, H. (2009).Organizational Culture and Leadership. (3rd Ed,). San Francisco, Jossey-Bass: Wiley.

Stringer, E.T. (2014).Action research (4thed.).Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

tions, 1, 2/3, 147–66.


Critical Mass Grid

Action Research Project: Why does it take so long to get an appointment within the primary care clinics at Veterans Affairs (VA) medical treatment facility in Helena Montana?


O = Current level

X = Desired level

Critical Mass Grid


Make it Happen

Help it Happen

Let it Happen

Not Involved









Healthcare facilities




Local clinics

Healthcare facilities








Customer service

Medical support assistant





Medical support





Medical assistant




Preparing to Negotiate: Key Ideas and Notes

Stakeholder: Name: Government

Position: law

Interests: Seeing that the patients are given proper care, law is respected, and that the cost of offering services are affordable to the patients

Options: the government working closely with the medical facilities in ensuring there is conducive environment in doing business. For example, proving infrastructures and security

Alternatives if agreement is not possible: Creating a public-private partnership where the two parties share costs and benefit mutually.

Self-Preparation: giving the other person a time to respond to the questions by not interrupting during negotiation.

Relationship: The relationship will be a mutual one where there will be a win-win situation. The relationship will be a long-term to ensure that each of the players treat each other with respect.

Commitments: The issues to be included in the agreement include the rules and regulations for conducting business, as well as the general guidelines with regard to the cost of providing service.

Stakeholder: Name: doctors

Position: medical staff

Interests: The doctors want the patients to cooperate during treatment. They also want the government to provide good infrastructures. They want to be paid well and the working conditions to be improved.

Options: The doctors need to offer quality services so that the patients can feel satisfied with these services and remain loyal to the organization. This will increase profits and hence money to pay well the doctors will be available.

Alternatives if agreement is not possible: Putting the doctors on part-time basis where they will be paid for the hours worked rather than on permanent basis

Self-Preparation: giving the other person a time to respond to the questions by not interrupting during negotiation.

Relationship: The relationship will be a mutual one where there will be a win-win situation. The relationship will be a long-term to ensure that each of the players treat each other with respect.

Commitments: Performance work evaluations to be used in order to determine the productivity of the doctors. The outcomes to be paid accordingly

Preparing to Negotiate: Key Ideas and Notes

Stakeholder: Name -nurses

Position: medical staff

Interests: The nurses want the patients to cooperate during treatment. They also want the government to provide good infrastructures. They want to be paid well and the working conditions to be improved.

Options: The nurses need to offer quality services so that the patients can feel satisfied with these services and remain loyal to the organization. This will increase profits and hence money to pay well the doctors will be available.

Alternatives if agreement is not possible: Putting the nurses on part-time basis where they will be paid for the hours worked rather than on permanent basis

Self-Preparation: giving the other person a time to respond to the questions by not interrupting during negotiation.

Relationship: The relationship will be a mutual one where there will be a win-win situation. The relationship will be a long-term to ensure that each of the players treat each other with respect.

Commitments: Performance work evaluations to be used in order to determine the productivity of the doctors. The outcomes to be paid accordingly

Stakeholder: Name: veterans

Position: patients

Interests: the veterans want to get quality medical services. They also want to get affordable medical services which are reliable.

Options: the veterans can be given a wide range of programs to choose from. This will ensure that they get customized services according to the price range.

Alternatives if agreement is not possible: the patients can have insurance schemes where they contribute on monthly basis. This will help them meet the costs of medical services conveniently.

Self-Preparation: giving the other person a time to respond to the questions by not interrupting during negotiation.

Relationship: The relationship will be a mutual one where there will be a win-win situation. The relationship will be a long-term to ensure that each of the players treat each other with respect.

Commitments: the veterans will be given loyalty cards which will tract how frequent they access the medical services. This will show how to win them over a long period of time to get their commitment

Stakeholder: Name: customer service attendants

Position: medical support assistant

Interests: The customer service professionals to win more customers through treating them well. They also want to attract new customers. They want the working environment to be improved in order to offer quality services. They need to be paid well.

Options: the customer service attendants will access training to ensure they have all it takes to treat the customers well. They can also be given opportunity to set their own targets.

Alternatives if agreement is not possible: The alternative in this case will involve giving the customer service staff freedom to work in groups. This will allow them to have time to be creative in solving the day to day problems at work as a joint team.

Self-Preparation: giving the other person a time to respond to the questions by not interrupting during negotiation.

Relationship: The relationship will be a mutual one where there will be a win-win situation. The relationship will be a long-term to ensure that each of the players treat each other with respect.

Commitments: The management to ensure it gives the customer services staff support in terms of material and moral support. The customer service staff to undergo performance evaluation to gauge their personal performance and how it can be improved.

Stakeholder: Name: local clinics

Position: healthcare facilities

Interests: the local clinics want the government to provide good infrastructures, they want the local community to be friendly to them and work together in solving the local medical problems.

Options: the local clinics to work closely with the government and the local communities in a mutual basis

Alternatives if agreement is not possible: The local clinics to be rated according to how they are performing as well as how they are relating well with the government or local communities.

Self-Preparation: giving the other person a time to respond to the questions by not interrupting during negotiation.

Relationship: The relationship will be a mutual one where there will be a win-win situation. The relationship will be a long-term to ensure that each of the players treat each other with respect.

Commitments: The performance rating of the local clinics will ensure that they work hard in improving their services sin meeting the needs and wants of the community.