For Katetutor only please

UNIT 4 RESPONSIBILITY CHART 1 Appendix EXAMPLE : Responsibility Chart without Focus Paper Action Research Project’s Purpose: To resolve one current organizational problem by defining and communicating expectations of (title of job) role at (name of organization) ACTORS: Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Name /Role Person 4 Name /Role Person 5 Name /Role DECISIONS Name/ Role Name /Role Review current role description by interviewing xxx manager R -- S I I Observe employee interactions to document tasks performed daily S _ R I I Interview peers to gain additional perspective on job duties A/V -- S R / S (full time staff) R / S (part time staff) Chart and categorize job duties discovered through analysis, observation, & interviews A/V -- R S S Draft job Description from categorized data R A/V S I I Deliver approved job description to participants to review and discuss during team meeting S I R S S R = Responsibility for initiating actions or using resources (only 1 “R” per row) A/V = Authority to approve or veto S = Support —provide physical or human resources, including ideas or inf ormation I = Inform —must be informed -- = Not inv olved —no assigned role or action