

Baker College

Ethical Dilemma Presentation Checklist

Student Name: UIN:

Outcome: Proficiency of SLO’s 7, 8, 9, 10

Conditions: Due Week 8.

Standard: 84%-100% to pass, 25 of 30 points.

Article submitted-

1 point

Does not submit article –

0 points

Student turns in printed copy of article or submits article to instructor via Blackboard.


Presentation Section

Demonstrated skill in an excellent standard with minimal error

Demonstrated skill with moderate proficiency with little to several errors

Demonstrates skill poorly with little clarity or creativity in presentation

5-4 points

3-2 points

1-0 points

Student describes the ethical situation.

6 points

5-4 points

3-0 points

8, 9

Student describes the ethical issues in scenario.

Student relates the outcome of the scenario.

9, 10

Student discusses how the ethical problem could have been avoided.

Student reviews the legal repercussions.

Total Possible Points

30 Points

Total Earned

Instructor: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________