Week 5 - Market Analysis


Market Analysis- Demographic Site Analysis

Market Analysis- Demographic Site Analysis

Sherwood, Oregon

This demographic site analysis will focus on the hospitals in the Sherwood area of Oregon. According to the 2016 U.S. census statistics, the area had a population of 19,249 people, with a gender balance of 49.7% Male and 50.3% Female (Colby & Ortman, 2016). 77.7% of households in the area have children. The area is served by a total of 25 hospitals and other healthcare facilities, which are found in or near it. Sherwood is 4.5 square miles in size with an average home cost standing at $327,400 (Heintzman et al., 2017). The median household income in Sherwood is $81,000. Additionally, Sherwood 7 public schools with 4, 2, and 1 elementary, middle, and high schools respectively. This part of Oregon is also served with one private school and a single charter school. The combined graduation rate for these schools is 92%. Concerning security, the crime rate is 1.3%, with 0.05% rate of violent crimes (Heintzman et al., 2017). Finally, the average commute of Sherwood is slightly less than half-an-hour, 26 minutes.

As mentioned earlier, Sherwood is served by 25 healthcare facilities. Most of these hospitals are private, accounting for 80%, or 20 facilities. The remaining 20% (5) hospitals are publicly owned. The major hospitals in Sherwood include Legacy, Providence, and Willamette hospitals and health centers. With a population of 19,249 people and 25 accessible healthcare facilities, the area has an access rate of 1 hospital/health center serving 770 people; which is a reasonable ratio. Most of the hospitals open for 24 hours a day-7 day a week, save for two facilities. Additionally, all the hospitals and healthcare facilities have modern facilities that are aligned to their various specialization such as dentistry, optics, nutrition, and children clinics among others.

Figure 1: Private against Public Hospitals and Health Centers in Sherwood, Oregon.

Week 5 - Market Analysis 1

Potential Healthcare Needs

Potential Health Care Utilization and Health Behaviors

Sherwood area of Oregon is adequately served with efficient healthcare facilities such as hospitals and health centers. The 25 facilities in the area serving 19, 249 people is a reasonable number, meaning that the population has no problem with access to medical services. Additionally, the people cannot be sick or all seek medical attention at the same time; implying that access is easy and added to the fact that most different hospitals offer specialized services, the people have the opportunity to seek and access health care whenever the need arises.

Needed Healthcare Services and Products

The regularly needed services and products involve children. The households in Sherwood have 77.7% of them having children. In this light, therefore, health services that target children are in high demand in the area. One of these is vaccination. Clinicians who specialize in children are also in demand in this area of Oregon because of this dynamic in the population of the area. Regarding products, sanitation products such antiseptics and others are also needed. However, because the hospitals are also specialized, products and services applied in dentistry, optics, and gynecology among others are also relevant in this area.

Potential Market Opportunity

There are no specialized hospitals in Oregon that offer comprehensive cancer care. This is, therefore, an area that needs improvement because, at this rate, the population is forced to seek these services from elsewhere, something that makes handling cancer cases in the area difficult. Cancer clinics and facilities provide a market opportunity for investors in the healthcare area. It is thus imperative to bring screening facilities and other facilities such as chemotherapy equipment to Sherwood because most people have no option but to travel to other areas to seek such services.


Colby, S. L., & Ortman, J. M. (2016). Projections of the size and composition of the US population: 2014 to 2060. US Census Bureau.

Heintzman, J., Bailey, S. R., DeVoe, J., Cowburn, S., Kapka, T., Duong, T. V., & Marino, M. (2017). In low-income Latino patients, post-Affordable Care Act Insurance disparities may be reduced even more than broader national estimates: evidence from Oregon. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 4(3), 329-336.