Historical Context Chart

Prompt: Historiography is the practice of analyzing how the historical context of a time influences how historians write about and interpret historical events.

Explain in the chart below how you think the historical context of the time when these articles were written may have impacted the authors’ interpretations of the events. You are encouraged to check out this website to help you formulate your thoughts on the historical context of your articles.

Historical Context

Article Citation

Historical Context of Publication Date

Impact of Historical Context on Author’s Thesis

Reynolds, M. L., & Lynch, F. X. (1955). Atomic bomb injuries among survivors in Hiroshima. Public Health Reports, 70(3), 261–270. Retrieved from


This was published in 1955, so about 10 years from the actual events.

Malloy, S. L. (2012). ‘A very pleasant way to die’: Radiation effects and the decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan. Diplomatic History,

36(3), 515–545. Retrieved from



This was published in 2012

Voynick, Steve (2009) "From Radium to the A-Bomb." History Magazine. 10(4), 25-29. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=khh&AN=37791674&site=edslive&scope=site