Create a project proposal

GRAD 695: Research Methods and Writing Suggestions for the Final Proposal (100 Points)

Written Proposal in Final Format Due on Dec 15th 11:30 pm EST

This is the final milestone and should reflect significant progress (using the initial proposal outline as a starting point).

This is a suggested template and students will be responsible to identify any variations of this as applied to their own topics while keeping all essential elements such as lit review, variables, data collection, data analyses etc included.

Suggestions about Written Proposal: (appendix 1)

  • Should be between about 18-20 pages on an average inclusive of all the components such as cover sheet, table of contents, main paper part,

  • Use of the suggested proposal format and give the overview and clearly state the problem, problem justification, literature results (as your own thoughts), and an idea about the study approach (solution approach) –your research design. Students are encouraged to use the information from the chapter on research design from the course lectures.

  • The written proposal will be evaluated based on the rubric (see the following Appendix 2).

Appendix 1

Research Project Paper Outline

General Guidelines for all projects:

Where and how to start?

Research literature using Google Scholar using your topic keywords. Use only authorized reports for your work. Wikipedia is a good starting point, but you cannot rely on the information listed there as this is not peer-reviewed material. You should instead search on Google Scholar for journal articles and review articles for your topic.

Paper guidelines and requirements:

  1. Cover page that lists the following:


Student names (alphabetically, last name)

GRAD 695 Fall/Spring (year).

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

  1. Table of Contents

Heading/Section Title Page number

  1. Paper document that covers the topic and is supported by evidence from reviews, reports, and scientific journals.

Paper outline: Divide your paper in the following sections:

  1. Introduction to the topic: state the topic clearly, explain how it is relevant to the chosen topic and why you decided to work on this (1page).

  2. The subsequent sections could be divided into smaller subsections. The generic items covered in these subsections would be relevant topics such as the elements that make up the research design such as variables, data collection strategies, data analysis methods, etc. YOU MAY NOT KNOW THESE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SEMESTER, BUT WOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE THESE SELECTIONS ONCE YOU HAVE READ ENOUGH MATERIAL AND YOUR LIT REVIEW IS ADEQUATE. (about 15-16 pages).

  3. You should use any addenda, qualitative in nature (charts, graphs, and tables) that is-

a.) Referred to in the text of your paper and

b.) Supports your topic’s overall purpose.

  1. Citations

  2. Any additional material you wish to include such as a case study, any report, video link etc.

Remember, you need to use a formal writing style that is free of grammar and spelling errors.

The paper should be a Word document, Times New Roman, single spaced, font size 12. Headings for sections are in Bold, Times New Roman, font size 14.


Note: For each criteria, the assessment is from 0 to 5 (0 indicates not attempted (skipped), 1 indicating failure (very disappointing), 2 indicating poor, 3 indicating fair (it is ok), 4 indicating good, and 5 indicating excellent)

General Evaluation

  1. Topic clarity =

  2. Properly formatted =

  3. Writing style = grammar and proper inclusion of references etc.

  4. Overall quality =

Proposal Content

  1. Table of content is included

  2. Abstract is clear and well written =

  3. Introduction provides good context =

  4. Problem statement is clear =

  5. Some hypothesis have been developed:

  6. Literature review is thorough:

  7. Solution Approach is well specified:

  8. Proposed study Plan is well specified:

  9. References: