Investigating Social Life ASS058-1

Assessment 2 – Hand in Wednesday 11th August 2017 (10am hand in deadline)

This assessment requires you to do the following;

  1. Pick a topic from the following

a) Young people and crime

b) Bullying in school

c) Disability and employment

  1. You have been supplied with a variety of articles pertaining to the three above topics.

  2. You will need to find journal articles that are discussing your chosen topic. You must find (as a minimum)

3 journal articles that are positivistic (positivism) in style


3 journal articles that are interpretative (anti-positivism) in style

  1. Once you have found your sources, read them.

You are then required to produce

Section 1250 words – using the articles that are positivistic (positivism) in style you will need to write a descriptive summary of each of the articles that you have read. Make sure that you include the following

  1. State if it is positivistic or anti-positivistic

  2. Introduce the research

  3. Describe the methods used

  4. Describe the results

  5. Describe the conclusion

You will need to:

  1. Use concepts accurately,

  2. Follow the rules of grammar, punctuation and spelling

  3. Reference correctly throughout using the Harvard referencing style

Section 2 – 250 words - using the articles that are interpretative (anti-positivism) in style you will need to write a descriptive summary of each of the articles that you have read. Make sure that you include the following

1) State if it is positivistic or anti-positivistic

2) Introduce the research

3) Describe the methods used

4) Describe the results

5) Describe the conclusion

You will need to:

  1. Use concepts accurately,

  2. Follow the rules of grammar, punctuation and spelling

  3. Reference correctly throughout using the Harvard referencing style

You are further required to produce a full and correct reference list that must follow the Harvard referencing style.

Threshold standards

Assessment number

In order to pass the assessment you will need to:


Complete the diagnostic assessment to a satisfactory level


Evidence a satisfactory level of proficiency in key academic skills by selecting and engaging with an argued discussion in a piece of writing that follows essay format.


Demonstrate an understanding of quantitative and qualitative research procedures and how these relate to social enquiry.

Demonstrate the ability to present information and argument in a logical form, follow the rules for writing a descriptive project, use concepts accurately and following the rules of grammar, punctuation, spelling and Harvard referencing.


Show a basic understanding of theoretical frameworks, related concepts and research findings to make sense of selected contemporary issues

Demonstrate a basic understanding of the main features of positivism, Critical theory, Post-modern theory and the interpretive approach to social enquiry.

Demonstrate a sound grasp of the nature and applications of academic conventions in higher education.

University of Bedfordshire - Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Grading Profile and Assessment Guide

Field of Applied Social Studies Specific Marking Criteria: Level 4


Good Grade

Pass Grade

Poor Grade

Outstanding pass


Commendable pass


Good pass


Satisfactory pass


Marginal Fail 35-39%

Fail 34-1%


Knowledge & Understanding

Excellent factual and/or conceptual knowledge relevant to the unit content and has defined and used appropriate subject terminology

Some good, or limited, factual and conceptual knowledge relevant to the unit content with some good to limited use of definitions and subject terminology.

No factual and/or conceptual knowledge relevant to the unit content and has not defined and used appropriate terminology.



Analysis of the subject matter demonstrated across the assessment task using the guidance provided in the assessment brief.

Some analysis within a descriptive framework.

Descriptive discussion not relevant to the assignment task.


Synthesis and Creativity

A clear ability to collect, summarise, order and characterise ideas and information in a predictable and standard format as required in the assessment brief.

Some ability to collect, summarise, order and characterise ideas and information in a predictable and standard format as required in the assessment brief.

No evidence of the ability to collect, summarise, order and characterise ideas and information in a predictable and standard format.



Demonstrates the ability to evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to the subject relating to the assignment brief. Shows an ability to evaluate the reliability of sources using a range of supporting material.

Demonstrates some ability in the evaluation of differing approaches to the subject, and has evaluated some supporting material in a narrative framework.

Lacks evaluative ability within the subject area.