unit 7


Construction Safety Inspection Checklist

Jeffrey D Carpenter, BS, ASP

Columbia Southern University

Construction Safety Inspection Checklist


Job name:



Inspected by:





Are the Employees of having complaints about certain aspects? q

Do individual workers face challenges to performing in their jobs due to the body strength, gender, their age or other related factors?

Are the jobs broken down?

Is the rate of accidents that are attributed to this particular job higher compared to other jobs? qWith other jobs?


q q

q q

Is the rate of turnover or absenteeism high in this job?

Is the rate of production low in this job? q q

Can the size of the working area be adjusted? q q

Does the job have a problem area?

Do the operators have to sit or stand?

Is the operation of seats or chairs comfortable?

Is the cooling system of the company proper and working fine?

Is the lighting for the company adequate?

Does the company provide individual lights when it is economically possible?

Is the work surface illuminated in an even manner?

Is there sufficient contrast for seeing?

Is direct and reflected glare minimized?

Is the lighting bright enough for working?

Are repetitive motions at a high rate (frequency or speed) avoided?


Can the workers change the position where they sit at?

Are elbow, wrist, arm, foot, and back rests provided?

MUSCULOSKELETAL CHECKLIST (College of American Pathologists. 2016)




Do some workers feel tired consistently over time?

Have the employees ever complained of any cases of headaches, stomach aches or pains within the joints?

Are there workers who have chronic diseases and are still working within this facility?

Do workers complain of pains in their muscles and joints?

Are there cases of workers failing to work due to being tired or having weak bones?

Are there health workers who examine the muscles and test the health of the working force?

Is it often that the employees face health risk hazards?

Does the management response to the complaints concerning too much work?

Do the employees feel that they have a lot of work to do within a short time?





Is there machinery to help in lifting materials?

Does the company offer resources that contribute to lifting the materials?

Are the available lifting resources useful/efficient?

Does the machinery receive servicing at a frequent rate?

Are there plans to service the machinery any time soon?

Is the management aware of the current state of the machinery?

Does the management question the state of the machinery and the servicing quality provided for the same?

Is the temperature too high for working?

Is the temperature conducive for working?

Is the temperature too low for efficient working?

Does the facility contain cooling gadgets that help to reduce excessive temperatures?

Does the facility have warming devices which can be used to warm the temperatures of the working area if the temperatures are low?

Is the management aware of the temperatures experienced within the working area?

Are there plans to increase/reduce the temperature within the working region?

Do the temperatures within the working area affect the working environment?

Are there complaints about the temperature of the workplace?

Unit VI Continuation

Hazards concerning the working environment of the company are important and the checklist for consideration of these aspects is important to be developed. According to Wold, & Laumann, (2015), the need for the checklist is that it will help to avert issues concerning the widespread of hazardous activities including the hazardous which may otherwise affect the working condition within the environment. Cases of explosions, fire outage and other scenarios related to fire cases may be averted through examining the dates that the resources necessary for averting this issues were last conducted and providing comments on the same.


Date checked


All the right fire extinguishing systems have been developed and well serviced

All employees within the plants have been adequately trained on various fire hazards and new systems

The areas where flammable materials are stored have been checked

No physical leak of the flammable material or any other funny smell in the area. Any case of the visible leak has been investigated and critical changes made.

Emergency lights have been tested and they are working as expected.

Clear illuminated exists have been checked and thing that might bright misunderstanding removed

Employees are aware of the various means of egress which they can use in case of an emergency situation at the plan.

Critical hygiene testing has been carried out with focus on lighting, noise, and vibrations

The right spaces have been identified which can be used for confinement measures. In this case identifying the fire assembly points is the main focus in the case.

A clear written program can have been seen at strategic points of the plant. With this employee have the chance of reading what is expected when the plant is faced with cases of emergency.

Automation of critical processes within the plants has been made. The automation must be done through the use of robots in places where it is a necessity

All the robotics which is used by the plants are functioning accordingly. In this case they computerized systems have also been checked

Technical team within the organization has been taught on the various ways that can be used in the process of maintaining the robots

The production room locks have been checked and there is no possibility of any breach occurring in the rooms.

Employees have been trained on how they can use the robots in the production process which they engage on the daily basis

Fire blankets have been checked. The damaged ones have been replaced or an order has been placed with the store's department

All employees have been given the emergency manuals which they must read and understand on how to deal with cases of emergency to avoid unforeseen circumstances within the plant.

It is evident from the prepared checklist that all the issues related to causing any harmful damages to the working environment are listed and the checklist should be able to evaluate the same for the effectiveness of the same. Areas presenting the cases of harmful effects or hazardous events is checked and if something is noted, the comments will be liable for describing and recommending proper actions (Oakley, Kielhofner, Barris, & Reichler, 2013).


College of American Pathologists. (2016). Inspection Checklist in Anatomic Pathology; 2016.

Oakley, F., Kielhofner, G., Barris, R., & Reichler, R. K. (2013). The Role Checklist: Development and empirical assessment of reliability. The occupational therapy journal of research6(3), 157-170.

Pai, A., & Rane, S. (2014). Development and implementation of maintenance management module of enterprise resource planning in the maintenance of power plant. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management5(4), 534-543.

Wold, T., & Laumann, K. (2015). Safety management systems as communication in an oil and gas producing company. Safety science72, 23-30.