complete by deadline


No concise direction from leadership. The leadership team at CanGo seems to be working from their own agenda. Each person comes in with the projects they want to work on, causing confusion within the company because it appears that not everyone is on the same page.

Suggested Resolution:

CanGo needs to have a planning/strategy meeting. The leadership of the company need to come together all the one page. If the leadership is not on the same page the employees will be disorganized and lack direction. This can cause the company to duplicate work and waste money.

In the strategy meeting, it’s clear that the leadership team should look at the mission and vision of the company, and run each of the projects through the filters that are mission and vision. How will these projects help CanGo achieve their mission? Is this project fitting in with the vision of the company or are they too far out in left field? If the projects cannot pass the filter test in this manner they must be set aside. CanGo cannot afford to waste resources on these projects.

Once Leadership agrees with the projects they want to move forward with, they should then decide what role each of them will take in the process. These leadership roles are important since there are many members on the leadership team. Chain of command and communication is something that needs to be established and followed so that work flow can be smooth, and we don’t have two different leaders telling the staff to do two different things. Project objectives, and processes should then be communicated to the employees, and processing should move forward.

Weekly update meetings can be held to keep everyone in the loop and up to date. This will also help to make sure everyone feels a part of the process and no one feels overpowered.