Running head: BSC 1

The Balanced Score Card (BSC)


The Balanced Score Card

Financial Assessment

The initial strategic plan for this project is to educate the nurses on the latest technologies in care delivery. According to Lavin, Harper, and Barr (2015), it has been previously established that charging the staff with personal development works more efficiently as it promotes competition. This, therefore, calls for activation of the necessity of knowledge acquisition. In addition, the facility could use things like scholarships to promote education among the more incompetent groups. These do not have to be provided for by the care facility as there can be the engagement of external donors due to them being expensive. As there is a possibility of policy making and changing in the project, there is the need to get funds from the government under the ministry of health care. These sources of funds will ensure that there are adequate financial resources to promote knowledge acquisition (Goetsch & Davis, 2014).

  1. Key Performance Indicators

Increased remuneration due to increased technological skill: Initial average pay for a nurse with basic information on skills is assumed to be $95,000 with the project being implemented this would be raised to $125,000.

Increased training costs at the beginning of the project: Total training cost from beginning to end of project implementation and assessment is projected at $15,000.

  1. Justification of process

The one thing that stands out on the balanced scorecard is the expenses associated with the training. There will be need for more training and under the compromise there may be need for substitute nurses if the number of unskilled nurses is high. The impact of this is the increase in the amount to be invested in the project. The project involves formal training and hiring of professionals for the training sessions. The anticipated impact of this is increased quality of care.

Customer Assessment

Increased technological skills for the nurses affect the customer intake directly. There will be a faster and more efficient way of doing things. More specifically the adoption of the initiative promotes electronic health management and implementation. The impact of this is the efficiency in services. From the strategy implementation therefore results into more customers. Green Hills Care System will be able to accommodate the elderly patients and reduce the number of referrals caused by lack of technical knowledge by the nurses at the facility.

  1. Key Performance Indicators

Increased positive feedback from the patients: This is reflected in the new admission rates below.

Increased return based on satisfaction as opposed to by chance: This is reflected in the new admission rates below.

Positive survey feedback

Increase in new admissions: Initial admission is at 2340 patients monthly. It is anticipated that with the project being successfully implemented this figure would increase to 2700 patients a month.

  1. Justification of process

The return of investment justifies the investment. At the end of the day facilities undertake product - system upgrade and personnel training for the purpose of improving services (Levin et al., 2015). The services are then later gauged against the rate of satisfaction and the number of clients that attend the facility over a given time period. From the SWOT analysis, there was the opportunity in making the most of the community around the hospital. Having explored that, the balanced scorecard is to indicate the change in figure form. When put in figures there should be a difference between usual attendance and the number of new admissions as well as referrals.

Internal Processes Assessment regardless the kind of changes that an organization makes, there is bound to be interruption and involvement of internal business processes. Purnell (2014) states that health care organizations are no different and they too symbolize the desperation to make the most of the organization and boost revenue while still focusing on the client. Change is carried out such as in the case of Green Hills with their primary motivation being development. For this specific project there will be targets the nurses without technical skills in their work. Due to large numbers there will need to be more than enough business interruption and consequently affecting the business process.

  1. Key Performance Indicators

Minimal process interruption: Easy and smooth operational transitions with patient being assisted appropriately without need for transfers and referrals.

Limited notice-ability of the changes in the system

Assimilation of present systems to facilitate in the accommodation of the changes

Increased staff duties: Change from basic duties to increase in responsibilities.

Possible replacement by temporary staff: due to the need for training.

  1. Justification of process

With adoption of technological advancement skills by its staff, Green Hills Health System will feature improved care delivery and better quality of handling health issues. Increased use of technology in health care does not necessarily translate to better health care, but it is a sure step towards better performance and better health care based on the type of services that the facility can offer its patients (Cappelli, 2013). Competent staff is the other strength that Green Hills Health System will have over competitors. Competence in technology use translates to faster, efficient and highly reliable services that further promote care quality. The consequence of this is that this directly translates to more satisfied patients. The compromise therefore outsmarts the initiative in the first place.

Learning and Growth Assessment

Newer and younger professionals significantly show an ability and awareness in technological advancement in health care as opposed to their older counterparts. This group of medical professionals does not necessarily completely lack skills but are incompetent with modern forms of technology (Purnell, 2014). As health care moves to newer heights, there is the use of advanced technology forms to increase care quality. This, therefore, necessitates the implementation of a plan for reversing this situation and equipping the professionals with the right amount of knowledge.

  1. Key Performance Indicators

Increase in skills

Competency and efficiency in the use of technology in normal work processes

Incorporation of technology in the major care processes

  1. Justification of process

Once again despite the expenses associated with the process of knowledge acquisition for the nurses at the health care facility, there is adequate justification. This is realized in increased care quality, more patient admission and more satisfied and skilled workforce.


Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson.

Henderson, K., Davis, T. C., Smith, M., & King, M. (2014). Nurse practitioners in telehealth: bridging the gaps in healthcare delivery. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners10(10), 845-850.

Lavin, M., Harper, E., & Barr, N. (2015). Health information technology, patient safety, and professional nursing care documentation in acute care settings. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing20(2).

Purnell, L. D. (2014). Guide to culturally competent health care. FA Davis.