Self-Management Project Topic Selection

Razalyn Nickola


Juley 29th, 2017

Vincent D’elia, Psy.D.

For my self-management project, my topic of selection will be exercise. In my case, I am choosing a poor behavior that I would like to change; and, that behavior is the lack of exercise in my day to day life. To collect baseline data, I plan to use my Apple watch which automatically records my current number of daily steps, average heartrate, and time amount of exercise that comes from current daily activities (but not a current exercise routine). Once I have my current baseline daily averages, I can plan to add a set amount of physical exercise time (along with a set target heart rate goal) in the gym that will suffice for the current amount of daily physical activity recommended by the American Heart Association for women of my age and weight. I will keep an activity log on paper, in which the information from my Apple watch will be transferred and available to refer to at the end of each week. The goal is to meet the daily recommended exercise rates weekly for 4 weeks in a row, with the hopes that this change will become a permanent part of my life.