Project Managment



Bruce McClaflin

Grantham University

The purpose of project charter is the delineation of duties, responsibilities and roles that help to achieve the purpose of the project set aside. The term project that will focus on as described earlier on will be the school farming for healthy food. The project seeks to set up a modern mode of farming that will see schools within the area feed the school going children with the most have proper organic food in school. This is done with the purpose of ensuring that the mental and physical health of students is maintained. For the brain of a child to develop effectively they need to be feed with the right food that will enable them to grow properly and which will in turn boost their mental development and have a healthy academic life and normal health (Bare, 2014).

The project is an initiative that has been taken to improve the health standards of kids and ensure that they can be able to study well and maintain proper nutrition that will provide them with a good health. This is to avoid the unhealthy food being offered to kids in school and which expose them to various health risks such as obesity or being overweight. The project will therefore have various stakeholders who will have to play a specific role to see the realization of the project and in which they will be applauded for the success. The major stakeholders of the project are: School administration, Parents, school nutritionist, farmers from the local area and a state representative.

These stakeholders will be allocated responsibilities in which they will ensure that it is performed and ensure that the project turns out to be a success. The clear breakdown of responsibilities is to ensure that there is no overlap of duties among the stakeholders and that the project runs smoothly without any hitches.

The school administration.

This are the main stakeholders because they will be providing the school space in which the project will take place. They will have a bigger role to play since the projects seeks to benefit them and also they have to ensure that the project is a success. The school will ensure that the land provided in which the farming is going to take place is well maintained. It will also ensure that the farm is divided into portions for every teacher to head his or her portion with the class. This will help in teaching the kids how to farm and what are the necessary and essential nutrients for the body. The school Administration will therefore be in charge of maintaining the project and overseeing it although they will be assisted by the main stakeholders.


The parents will be taught on the type of nutrients that their kids need to be consuming. This will ensure that not only is healthy food being provided at school but also at home. The parents will be required to start some sought of garden at their homes in which they will continue practicing the healthy food farming. They will also be needed to offer financial assistance to the school since this project may turn out to be costly and the school may need them to assist in managing the farms. Parents will also be instrumental in achieving the success of the project since they will explain to their kids the importance of having a well-balanced diet. This is necessary because some kids may not accept eating this type of food since it will be deviating from what they are used to eating at home (Ernest, 2012). This is a new concept and students will need to be trained and mentally prepared.

School nutritionist.

The school has employed someone who comes with up with the diet of the school, it is therefore important to include the nutritionist to help come up with the necessary menu. The need of involving the nutritionist is to advise him or her on the necessary foods that will be good for the students. The school nutritionist will help in advising parents on the necessary nutrition’s that is good for their kids. The nutritionist will be tasked to be reviewing the school menu so as to ensure that the kids have a healthy meal that will be able to boost their mental development. The nutritionist will also be inspecting the standards of the farm and see if the yields being harvested are good for human consumption (Charles, 2014). This will help to reduce instances of food poisoning of the children when they consume food that was not fit for human consumption.

Farmers from the local area

The farmers need to be boosted in terms of being educated on the importance of good food, this will involve the process of keeping their farms clean and what type of foods to farm. The Local farmers will also offer their services to the school due to their knowledge in farming. The local area farmers will be educated so as to ensure that the foods that they will be producing in their farms are of good quality and that the society will be fed with a healthy food. The local farmers will be able to assist the school in maintaining the farms. This will be through pruning and application of the necessary fertilizers since they have vast knowledge in farming.

State representative.

It is important to have a nutritionist expert who represents the states, the purpose of this is that the state will be the main stakeholder since it has the mandate. The state will be able to offer quality seeds that will be used for this purpose of ensuring that the school has quality seeds that will provide good yields. The state will also offer an expert who will be able to advise the school nutritionist on the best modes of planting and how to do it. The expert provided by the state will also offer guidance to the parents and enable them to be more productive and active in ensuring that their kids are able to get quality food and their role in maintaining the health of their kids. The state representative will play an important role in the sense that he or she will offer partnership with the school and this will also include provision of resources. The resource may include money or man power that may come in to assist in the implementation of the project.

Project Charter

Project Name

School Farming for Healthy Food



Area of focus

Sustainable farming in schools

Business case


In scope

Out scope

The project of choice will be focusing on promotion of organic foods by engaging school project that help learners practice production of organic foods from school farms and extend the skills and knowledge to their homes. Also, the project will increase the awareness of the benefits of organic foods and encourages the consumption of these types of food in school and at home. The project will be titled “School Farming for Healthy Food.” Therefore, the main target of the project will be the young children in schools. School Farming for Healthy Food is an educational project for the school going children that aims at creating the desired attitude, knowledge, and skills for the production and consumption of organic foods.

Introduction of healthy meal

National consumer products

Student friendly meal

In house production

Key Deliverables

Proposed organizational structure

Team on board

Approved Organizational chart

Finalized Budget

Training/ orientation complete

Finalized Job description

Measurable Target


Finalize organization outline


Business Impact


Finalize and approve budget


The project seeks to ensure that the demand of quality foods being sold in the school cafeteria increases

Startup will be $50,000

Develop and grade position.


Team members

Garry Joel

R&D leader

Diana Weiner

Parent Association chairperson

Smith Rayan

State representative

Nicholas Rose

School Nutritionist

In summary the above stakeholders need to have a distinct role that will help in the process of managing the project. For the purpose of ensuring that the roles and duties of the stakeholders do not overlap since this may have an effect in the realization of the project since there will be conflict of roles and interests at the same time. The project will only be realized if the roles and duties of the stakeholders is underpinned as it has been done in the paper.


Bare, G. (2014). Project Plan. Chicago: Pearson Inc.

Charles, I. (2014). Quality control. Institute of Agriculture California.

Ernest, J. (2012). Project Planning and managment. Colorado University.