Trophic Pyramid

Name: __________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Apex Predator Tertiary Consumers Secondary Consumers Primary Consumers Primary Producers TROPHIC PYRAMID Directions: Select a biome and a specific ecosystem within that biome. Select an ecosystem from an area of interest to you. When choosing an ecosystem, be specific. For help differentiating between biomes and ecosystems, review the “Biome Explorer” and the “Biomes and Ecosystems Infographic” found in the topic materials. You are encouraged to use these resources but do not cite them.

Complete the trophic pyramid by entering the names of the species found in the ecosystem you have selected, that belong to the various trophic levels.

Utilize credible sources to select and research your chosen ecosystem, including the textbook and the Internet. These sources must be peer reviewed and cited (on page 3) . Enter the name of a biome. Choose an ecosystem within your selected biome. 1 TROPHIC PYRAMID Directions continued: Use the completed trophic pyramid, as well as the information you have researched, to answer the questions. There is a 50 word minimum requirement per question.

1. Of the primary producers you selected, which one do you think has the biggest influence on the ecosystem you researched? Explain.

2. What species did you select for the apex predator? Explain the importance of the apex predator’s effect on the other species in your tropic pyramid.

3. How did the amount of energy gained compare to the amount of energy lost as heat at the 2nd–4th trophic levels?

4. Referring to your completed trophic pyramid template, select one species. If this species was removed from your trophic pyramid, what would be the impact on the other species of the ecosystem?

Name: __________________________________ Date: __________________________________ 2 TROPHIC PYRAMID Questions continued: 5. Can efforts to save a species from extinction be successful if the focus of preservation is only on that species? Explain your answer.

6. Considering the amount of energy required in producing animal-based foods and goods, should humans change their habits so they consume products closer to the bottom of the trophic pyramid? Provide rationale for your response.

This assignment requires a minimum of two peer reviewed references to be included. References: Please cite your sources using the text box below. Sources must be peer reviewed and properly cited. Do not cite the biome explorer or infographic. Name: __________________________________ Date: __________________________________ © Copyright 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. 3