Brand Strategy Presentation

Brand Strategy Presentation Grading Guide

MKT/575 Version 6

Brand Strategy Presentation 1

Brand Strategy Presentation Grading Guide

MKT/575 Version 6

Strategic Marketing


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Individual Assignment: Brand Strategy Presentation Purpose of Assignment

Purpose of Assignment Marketing students must know all brands must be consistently and effectively promoted to survive. The marketing department’s product branding promotional efforts are vital to success. By successfully completing this assignment, students will demonstrate an understanding of which factors can positively or negatively affect the launch of a brand’s product or service. Resources Required

Microsoft® PowerPoint®

Grading Guide



Partially Met

Not Met


The student created a 20- to 25-slide product branding strategy in Microsoft® PowerPoint® of a selected, well-known brand.


The student incorporated a unique branding strategy including the following:

Detailed three areas of the brand’s product life cycle including product introduction, growth, maturity, and possible decline.

The student incorporated at least two different types of media marketing channels for the brand. One must be a traditional print method and the other must be non-print, or electronic. A non-print media method could be a social media campaign.

In the presentation, student should have one to two slides about each media method (for example: one slide of what they would do, not how to do it).

Included all the following marketing tactics:

  • Recommended advertising methods

  • Integrated marketing communications

  • Direct marketing

  • Brand positioning efforts

The student cited a minimum of two peer-reviewed references.

Total Available

Total Earned


Presentation Guidelines


Partially Met

Not Met



The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

The introduction provides a sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.

Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.

Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.


The presentation is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, font sizes, and white space.

Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference slide.

Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation.

Total Available

Total Earned



Assignment Total




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