SCI 207 Week 3 Assignment rough draft

Haleh Keshtkar8/12/2017 10:33:22 PM

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( 0.79 / 0.90) Completes Tables 1 through 6 Based on Data Collected Through Laboratory Experimentation

Proficient - Tables 1 through 6 are completed based on data collected through laboratory experimentation. One minor error, which may include lack of units, is present in the tables.


Many of your data tables included numbers obtained through laboratory experiments; however, they lacked the proper units. For example, reporting of ammonia content in water should be followed by mg/L for clarity. Next week, make sure to include the proper units when reporting numerical data.

( 0.68 / 0.90) Experiment 1, Question 1: Develops a Hypothesis on Which Water Sources Will Contain the Most and Least Chemical Components

Basic - Develops a hypothesis related to which water sources will contain the most and least chemical components. Relevant errors in hypothesis format are present.


The format of your hypothesis needs some revision. Try utilizing an if-then statement as described in your Week One pre-lab readings. For instance, one example of a valid hypothesis utilizing this format would be as follows: "If the three water sources are tested for chemical components, then tap water will have the highest concentration and Dasani water the lowest concentration of chemical components."

Hypotheses should be only one sentence or statement in length and should not include extended dialogue or personal opinions.

( 0.90 / 0.90) Experiment 1, Question 2: Accepts or Rejects Hypothesis, and Explains How This Was Determined

Distinguished - Accurately accepts or rejects the hypothesis proposed in Question 1, and thoroughly explains how this was determined.

( 0.68 / 0.90) Experiment 1, Question 3: Describes the Major Chemical Differences between Water Samples

Basic - Briefly describes the major chemical differences between the Dasani, Fiji, and tap water samples. Relevant details are missing and/or inaccurate.


Your answer should have addressed the chemical differences in the three water samples. You should have described the differences in pH, iron, ammonia, etc. that were evident from the completion of the experiments.

( 0.68 / 0.90) Experiment 1, Question 4: Explains Whether Samples Pose Any Health Concerns

Basic - Minimally explains whether any of the samples pose a health concern including some evidence from the lab. The explanation is underdeveloped.


While you presented your opinion on any of the samples poses a health concern, you did not provide evidence from the lab to support this opinion. A reasoned response was necessary for full credit on this question.

Your explanation of whether or not any of the samples pose a health concern needs greater detail to support your argument. An in-depth response was necessary to show you fully grasp these concepts.

( 0.79 / 0.90) Experiment 1, Question 5: Explains Whether Bottled Water Is Worth the Price

Proficient - Explains whether bottled water is worth the price including mostly detailed reasoning. Minor details are missing or slightly inaccurate.


Your explanation of whether or not bottled water is worth the price needs greater detail to support your argument. An in-depth response was necessary to show you fully grasp these concepts.

( 0.30 / 0.30) Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Distinguished - Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.

( 0.26 / 0.30) Written Communication: APA Formatting

Proficient - Exhibits APA formatting for both in-text citations and references at the end of the lab form; however, layout contains a few minor errors.

Overall Score: 5.08 / 6.00

Overall Grade: 5.08