6 Multiple Choice Quizzes

Week 6 "Mixed-Methods" Take Test: W6 Exam H Take Test: W6 Exam Take Test: W6 Exam Test Information Description Instructions Read each question and all alternatives carefully. Select the question that corresponds to the one best answer. Make sure you understand each question before you attempt to answer it. Multiple Attempts Not allowed. This test can only be taken once. Force Completion This test can be saved and resumed later. By definition, mixed-methods research designs include both relationship questions and difference questions in the same study.

include both descriptive and inferential statistics in the analysis.

include both quantitative and qualitative data.

include a number of quantitative measures of student performance. Q U E S T I O N 1 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer ?? Question Completion Status: Home Library Learning Center Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Save All AnswersSave All Answers Daniel Anderson 35 Page 1 of 5 Take Test: W6 Exam – CA408 Research Methods (26 -JUL -17 ... 8/ 16/ 2017 https://lms.grantham.edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch.jsp?course_assessment_id=_18 ... Of the following, which best illustrates an example of a mixed-methods study? Jenka conducts interviews and observations in her study of transitional students.

Vanda conducts observations and supplements her findings with class grades.

Micky looks at percentages of successful transitions from the district and class grades.

Svec interviews both parents and their children regarding transition. 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer A study that relies primarily on quantitative data and uses qualitative data to follow up is considered an example of which approach to mixed methods design? Multiphase iterative Embedded Exploratory Explanatory Q U E S T I O N 3 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Dorothy has been collecting both quantitative and qualitative data in parallel. She wanted to ensure triangulation with the hope that analyses of both data sets lead to similar conclusions about the phenomenon under investigation. Which design has Dorothy employed? Convergent Embedded Multiphase iterative Explanatory Q U E S T I O N 4 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Question Completion Status: Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Save All AnswersSave All Answers Page 2 of 5 Take Test: W6 Exam – CA408 Research Methods (26 -JUL -17 ... 8/ 16/ 2017 https://lms.grantham.edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch.jsp?course_assessment_id=_18 ... Rodrigo wanted to investigate students’ feeling about reading for pleasure. First, he interviewed students and then he used insights from the interviews to construct a survey to collect quantitative data. Which design has Rodrigo employed? Convergent Embedded Exploratory Explanatory Q U E S T I O N 5 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Sharon wanted to investigate student perceptions of homework. First, she distributed a survey to students and their parents and collected quantitative data. Second, she interviewed a few participants to gain insights on their survey responses. Which design has Sharon employed? Convergent Embedded Exploratory Explanatory Q U E S T I O N 6 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Tacita is interested in how teachers’ classroom management practices change over time. She conducts observations of 8 teachers’ classrooms over the course of five years. She interviews the teachers and follows up with counts of referral data, disciplinary notes in children’s files, and number of notes home per teacher per year. This study can be described as a: QUAN-QUAL study Q U E S T I O N 7 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Question Completion Status: Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Save All AnswersSave All Answers Page 3 of 5 Take Test: W6 Exam – CA408 Research Methods (26 -JUL -17 ... 8/ 16/ 2017 https://lms.grantham.edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch.jsp?course_assessment_id=_18 ... QUAL-quan study Quantitative study The QUAN-qual model of mixed methods design is also known as triangulation.



explanatory. Q U E S T I O N 8 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Mixed-methods research that has more than one phase usually employs which type of sampling method? stratified random purposive probability systematic Q U E S T I O N 9 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Mixed-methods researchers should ask themselves, “Are the quantitative and qualitative data equally relevant to the same or related topics and research question(s)?” This question is most useful to help the researcher evaluate: the validity of the study.

the purpose of the study.

the type of analysis to be used in the study. Q U E S T I O N 1 0 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Question Completion Status: Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Save All AnswersSave All Answers Page 4 of 5 Take Test: W6 Exam – CA408 Research Methods (26 -JUL -17 ... 8/ 16/ 2017 https://lms.grantham.edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch.jsp?course_assessment_id=_18 ... Question Completion Status: Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Save All AnswersSave All Answers Page 5 of 5 Take Test: W6 Exam – CA408 Research Methods (26 -JUL -17 ... 8/ 16/ 2017 https://lms.grantham.edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch.jsp?course_assessment_id=_18 ...