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Week 7 "Historical Research" Take Test: W7 Exam H Take Test: W7 Exam Take Test: W7 Exam Test Information Description Instructions Read each question and all alternatives carefully. Select the question that corresponds to the one best answer. Make sure you understand each question before you attempt to answer it. Multiple Attempts Not allowed. This test can only be taken once. Force Completion This test can be saved and resumed later. Historical research is chiefly concerned with: the study of history.

the meaning of past events.

creating an accurate chronology of past events.

determining an “official” interpretation of a historical event. Q U E S T I O N 1 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Historical research may include: Q U E S T I O N 2 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer ?? Question Completion Status: Home Library Learning Center Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Save All AnswersSave All Answers Daniel Anderson 35 Page 1 of 4 Take Test: W7 Exam – CA408 Research Methods (26 -JUL -17 ... 8/ 16/ 2017 https://lms.grantham.edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch.jsp?course_assessment_id=_18 ... qualitative, but not quantitative, methods.

quantitative, but not qualitative, methods.

both qualitative and quantitative methods.

neither qualitative nor quantitative methods. To a historical researcher studying the lives of women pioneers in the late 1880s, letters written by Rebecca Adams, a pioneer woman on the Nebraska plains, to her sister in Philadelphia would be: primary sources.

secondary sources. Q U E S T I O N 3 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Professor McGrath is studying the history of African Americans in Oklahoma. Three of the following are primary sources for Professor McGrath. Which one is NOT? Census reports from the all-Black town of Taft Photographs of Taft Diaries of a school teacher in one of the first integrated schools in Taft Articles from the Taft newspaper published in the late 19th century Q U E S T I O N 4 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer In historical research, bias: generally does not exist to a problematic degree.

is less of a problem than in other forms of research. Q U E S T I O N 5 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Question Completion Status: Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Save All AnswersSave All Answers Page 2 of 4 Take Test: W7 Exam – CA408 Research Methods (26 -JUL -17 ... 8/ 16/ 2017 https://lms.grantham.edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch.jsp?course_assessment_id=_18 ... is impossible for the researcher to detect.

can be used as an advantage to the researcher. In regard to bias in historical research, the researcher: must be vigilant in regard to bias in secondary data, but it is not a problem with primary data.

must be vigilant in regard to bias in primary data, but it is not a problem with secondary data.

must be vigilant in regard to bias in both primary and secondary data.

can assume that the various biases will cancel each other out without special steps being taken by the researcher. Q U E S T I O N 6 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Perry Prose is in possession of a letter allegedly written by President Theodore Roosevelt during his time in office.

He has taken the letter to a number of experts, who have examined the paper, ink, handwriting, and content of the letter in an attempt to establish its authenticity. Dr. Prose is attempting to establish which type of evidence regarding the validity of the letter? external evidence internal evidence Q U E S T I O N 7 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Fran Freedom is trying to determine what the phrase “with liberty and justice for all” from the Pledge of Allegiance meant at the time it was penned. She suspects there were actually some limits on “all.” Dr. Freedom is attempting to establish which type of evidence regarding Q U E S T I O N 8 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Question Completion Status: Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Save All AnswersSave All Answers Page 3 of 4 Take Test: W7 Exam – CA408 Research Methods (26 -JUL -17 ... 8/ 16/ 2017 https://lms.grantham.edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch.jsp?course_assessment_id=_18 ... external evidence internal evidence In writing a historical research report, it is best to: avoid mentioning alternative interpretations of events proposed by other scholars.

leave most of the interpretation of data to the reader rather than impose your own point of view.

point out the weaknesses in the arguments or assertions you are making.

discuss the weaknesses, but not the strengths, of arguments put forth by otherscholars. Q U E S T I O N 9 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer In a historical research report, presentation of data and interpretation of data: are confined to separate sections of the paper.

may not be included.

are presented in the introduction to the paper.

may be intertwined in a flowing narrative style. Q U E S T I O N 1 0 15 points Save AnswerSave Answer Question Completion Status: Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Save All AnswersSave All Answers Page 4 of 4 Take Test: W7 Exam – CA408 Research Methods (26 -JUL -17 ... 8/ 16/ 2017 https://lms.grantham.edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch.jsp?course_assessment_id=_18 ...