Clinical Field Experience B: Observation – Strategies and Differentiation





Field Experience A: Observation – Assessment

Based on what you have learned from your observations, address the following questions in a 250-500 word reflection. Please put each question in a separate paragraph.

  1. Describe some of formative assessment techniques or strategies that your mentor used during the lesson.

  2. What types of questions did the teacher ask during the lesson?

  3. How did the students respond to the questions?

  4. What types of things are taken into account when creating summative assessments?

The following are some of the formative techniques used by my mentor. In the first place, there was use of Entrance tickets. This calls for the teacher asking questions while the learners use index cards to record the responses that they generate. Strips of paper can also be used where index cards are not available. Another strategy is Think – Pair – Share, where the teacher poses a difficult question or challenge. This is always in the line of content being learned. Individual students pair with each other to discuss the question and also to generate answers to the same. The students then share their answers with the whole class while the teacher goes round listening to group findings and offering advice. Finally is the Ticket to leave where students write what they have learned and give to the teacher as they leave the class.

The teacher asks questions before the lesson that are general in order to know the students well and determine their level of understanding of basic concepts on what he or she intends to teach. The teacher will also ask questions based on the content to enable the students get a better understanding of the content. Finally the teacher will ask questions reflecting on the lesson to determine how well the student understood the content delivered.

The students answered the questions in the following ways. Firstly, they used the 3:2:1 where they record the summary answers that they have come up with at the end of the lesson, and also include 3 new things they learnt from the lesson. The students also used journaling also called quick response where they recorded their reactions and experiences to the content they had learned in a variety of ways and finally they used sentence stem where they completed three paragraphs with summaries whose beginning was provided by the teacher.

To create summative assessment the following factors must be put into is important to consider the representative sampling or the material to be covered in the test that is going to be administered since summative assessment is usually done after the completion of a course unit or period of study like a term or semester. Next, is the number or the length of the assessments? This is important since one has to understand the principles or requirements of every single summative test. Then, one has to determine if it will be made by teacher or whether it will be obtained from the publisher according to the requirements of the particular test. Finally, the level of preparation on the part of the students is a key requirement.