


July 2017



There are various markets that can be used by in the production of the goods that the company wishes to engage in. This will involve taking up of various assessment so as to ensure that the market is suitable for the company to be started there. The markets that will be available for assessment will include China and India.

Entering strategy to the market

The entering strategy of the company will involve production of quality goods that will be used by every member in the society. The gadgets that the company will seek to produce will be affordable for every member of the society, this will ensure that each and every member uses the products of the company. The entry strategy that the company will employ will involve selling the phones at a discount (Armstrong, 2015). This will be done with an intention of ensuring so many individuals take advantage of the situation and purchase the products of the company.


Evaluating the market

India is a very good country in terms of market and also factors of production, this is to mean that it has both skilled and semi-skilled labor. This is to mean that the company will be guaranteed of both skilled and semi-skilled labor. The problem with India is that the purchasing power of the people is not there it may therefore be difficult for the company to exist there. It will also be important to note that the necessary materials for producing the tablets in India are not locally available and thus they will need to be imported. The importation cost on the other hand is expensive compared to other countries and this will negatively affect the price of the commodity, since they will be sold slightly higher.

China on the other hand is a very good and effective market, this can be attributed to the high technology innovation and also the population. A majority of the people are well trained on how to use and apply technology. This will therefore improve the market of the company since the product are in demand in this particular country. Another important factor is that the country also boosts of having a manpower that can be able to assist the company to run its activities. The materials for production are also available in this particular country (Xing, 2016).

Evaluating the market statistics

China is among the leading markets of any electronic gadget or devices. This can be attributed to the population that it enjoys. The more than one billion people who are well informed with technological skills provides a wider and a broader market in which the tablets and mobile phones could be sold (Ngai, 2012). With the level of completion among the various companies, they will be able to evaluate the products of the company and their reviews will be able to improve on the products


The company will seek to higher experienced personnel who have been involved in the electronic world specifically mobile phones and tablets. This will assist the company I having someone who will be able to stir it in the right direction and also enable them to manage the affairs of the company with all the experience it deserves. The company will also be able to have someone who will assist in making decisions out of experience so as to ensure that the objective of the company is achieved.


  1. Job titles

  1. List of relevant qualification

  2. Experience needed

  3. Number of personnel needed.


Armstrong, G. K. (2015). Marketing: an introduction. . New York: Pearson Education.

Ngai, P. (2012). Global capital, the state, and Chinese workers: . the Foxconn experience. Modern China, 38(4), 383-410.

Xing, Y. (2016). Global Value Chains and New Thinking on Trade and Industrial Policy. GRIPS Discussion Papers, 16.