
Assignment Component


Max Points

Chosen case study.

Course Objective (CO) 4

The case study chosen is appropriate and was not studied in class before.

/20 pts

Case outline.

CO 4

The facts of the case, including case evidence as well as demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the perpetrator, are clearly articulated.

/16 pts

Identification of risk factors and vulnerabilities.

CO 4

Risk factors and vulnerabilities are clearly identified and represent a variety of perspectives. All are appropriate and accurate.

/20 pts

Identification of threats.

CO 4

Threats are clearly identified and represent a variety of perspectives. Appropriate outside sources are used to support the ideas.

/20 pts

Development of a psychological case conceptualization explaining how the subject thinks, acts, or feels (i.e., cognitive processes, behaviors, emotions) using a major personality psychological theoretical orientation (i.e., cognitive behavioral, psycho-dynamic, behavioral, etc.).

Identification of any mental disorders or symptoms and prognosis.

CO 1, 3, 5

Development of a psychological case conceptualization is complete and accurate.

Explanation of how subject thinks, acts, and processes is clear, appropriate, and grounded in a specific major personality psychological theoretical orientation. A clear connection between the theoretical orientation and the subject is drawn using specific evidence from the case study and course material.

If any mental disorders or symptoms are present in the case study, they are clearly and accurately identified. A prognosis is thoroughly explained and is reasonable.

/52 pts

Explanation of how this type of indirect assessment does or does not meet the ethics code as prescribed by APA.

CO 6

Explanation of how this type of indirect assessment does or does not meet the ethics code as prescribed by APA is clear, reasonable, and supported by current body of literature.

/52 pts

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

/20 pts


/200 pts

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Psychology of Counterintelligence

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