Leadership paper


*The page number should be in the upper right hand corner-

This is a paper from another student. I kept some things in, and then added my own information to hopefully help expand upon the instructions for the research paper in week 7.

An important thing to be mindful of is making sure your cover page is set up correctly. For example, this student left out the page number. Not a big deal, but you don’t want to lose unnecessary points.

The Impact of Sexual Harassment on Leadership and Ethics

Sample Paper

Wilmington University

The Impact of Sexual Harassment on Leadership and Ethics


-This paper requires headings for each section

For the INTRODUCTION it is important to not only set up the issue for the reader, but also the 2 components you are choosing to discuss your issue with. Furthermore, it is also important to the let reader know where the issue is taking place (i.e. your own organization or one of your choosing). Below is just an excerpt of this student’s introduction. I just wanted to show how he incorporated not only his main issue, but the 2 components he chose to discuss his issue with.

In recent years, the issue of sexual harassment has received enormous attention at the workplace where leadership and an ethical climate failed to create a safe environment for employees. Case in point; the improper handling of sexual harassment claims by Yahoo Inc. Furthermore, the negative influence of sexual harassment should not be underestimated. Therefore, organizations need to be cognizant of this. Sexual harassment creates a culture and dynamic in which individuals feel powerless. It can lead to a decrease of self-esteem, efficiency, trust and honesty. It can further impact job satisfaction, as well as the psychological and physical health of individuals. While the causes of sexual harassment can be attributed to many variables, the specific contributing factors in this case were ineffective leadership and an unethical climate. Student goes on to set up the issue in further detail-

Therefore, effective leadership and a solid ethical climate becomes essential for organizations to avoid the hostile, intimidating and offensive work environments that can be created when sexual harassment is not addressed (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2016). Wraps up introduction.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this paper is to examine how leadership and ethics further contributed to the issue of sexual harassment at Yahoo Incorporated. Furthermore, recommendations will be discussed regarding how to provide solid leadership and an ethical climate, in order to decrease sexual harassment.

Note how the purpose statement includes all the central components that will be examined in the analysis, as well as a reference to the recommendation section.

It is important to remember the approach for the analysis and the overall paper:

X (concept one) and Y (concept 2) are contributing to Z (the issue) occurring, OR X and Y are causing Z (the issue) to occur.

For example:

X (leadership) and Y (ethics) are negatively contributing to Z (sexual harassment) occurring.

For this paper, the student chose ineffective leadership (leadership) and an unethical climate (ethics) to apply to the main issue (sexual harassment). Think of ineffective leadership and an unethical climate---- creates a dynamic that fuels the issue of sexual harassment-

Don’t focus on what should occur, or how things should be. In essence, you are defending your perspective. Example: leadership and an unethical climate contributed to the issue of sexual harassment in Yahoo.

No abstract is needed-

Below is how I would like the analysis & recommendation section to be setup & organized.


Leadership’s Impact on Sexual Harassmentfirst “leg” of the analysis-

  • Establish the central focus for the first “leg” of the analysis-in this example it would be leadership & sexual harassment.

  • Define leadership.

  • Analysis of information to address how leadership negatively impacts sexual harassment. Address what type of leadership style or characteristics further exacerbated the issue. Address how leadership negatively contributes to the issue.

  • Incorporate research to validate your perspective. (I should see resources incorporated in all paragraphs because this is not an opinion paper).

  • Incorporate examples to further support your statements and research.

  • Stay focused on examining what is it about leadership that is negatively impacting the issue in a negative way. Don’t focus on how leadership should be behaving-that is for the recommendation section.

  • Wrap up first “leg” of the analysis by reinforcing the overall central focus-

Impact of Ethical Climate on HarassmentSecond “leg” of analysis

  • Establish the central focus for the second “leg” of the analysis. In this case, it would be ethical climate and sexual harassment.

  • Define ethical climate.

  • Analysis of information to address how the ethical climate negatively impacts sexual harassment. Address what could be lacking in the climate of the organization that further exacerbates the issue. Address moral principles that the organization failed to uphold.

  • Incorporate research to validate your perspective-

  • Incorporate examples to further support your statements and research.

  • Stay focused on examining what is it about the ethical climate that negatively impacts the issue in a negative way. Don’t focus on how the ethical climate should be, that is for the recommendation section.

  • Wrap up second “leg” of the analysis by reinforcing the central focus.

Additional tips for the Analysis section:

  • For this paper, you only need to pick one issue as it relates to 2 of the 3 components of organizational behavior: leadership, ethics or culture. Please do not pick all three. See instructions for more information.

  • Make sure your issue is focused and not broad. Also make sure that there is plenty of research (that just makes writing the paper much easier for you).

  • Don’t forget, Schein and Argyris are great sources because they examine behaviors, which can be applied to most issues that occur in an organization.

  • Stay organized and focused. The basis for the analysis is to fully establish the issue for the reader, and how the 2 components (you chose), further exacerbate or negatively impact your issue. 

  • You must pick either your own organization or an organization of your choosing (i.e. Yahoo, Facebook, etc.) I am not looking for the issue to be applied to organizations in general. All papers are confidential, and are not shared without written permission from the student. So please do not worry about writing an honest account of what you feel is an issue within your organization. You can also change the name of your organization if you want to.

  • Incorporate research (i.e. journal articles, books, magazine articles, etc.), this is very important. I should see in-text citations throughout your entire analysis showing me that you are incorporating research within your analysis. Please do not use: dictionaries, Wikipedia, websites that only provide the abstract, etc., as they are not solid resources.

  • Cite your work. I should see in-text citations throughout the body of the analysis.

  • Please review the APA resources regarding how to format in-text citations so you understand how to cite properly depending on whether you are paraphrasing, versus using a direct quote.

  • PARAPHRASE, PARAPHRSE, PARAPHRASE! All concepts and theories must be paraphrased. I am very strict about this for the final paper. Please understand that just changing a few words or the order of the wording is not paraphrasing. I want students to apply critical thinking to the analysis.

  • Use direct quotes SPARINGLY. Please do not use direct quotes in place of defining concepts. Only use direct quotes to enhance your analysis.

  • Please do not list or bullet point information within your papers, write out everything you want to discuss in paragraph format.

  • Most importantly, please do not plagiarize. If you are still a bit fuzzy about what plagiarism is, I would recommend reviewing the plagiarism policy and/ or plagiarism video.


The analysis has found that ineffective leadership as well as an unsound ethical climate can further exacerbate the issue of sexual harassment. In order to overcome the negative consequence and avoid such dilemmas all together, recommendations for both leadership and ethics will be examined to decrease sexual harassment, and help to achieve organizational success.

Example of how to set up the transition into the recommendations section. Note how both components (i.e. leadership and ethics) were noted along with the central issue (i.e. sexual harassment).

Please set up your recommendations section with subheadings such as the ones noted below-

Recommendations for Leadership

  • Introduce solutions that could help increase effective leadership & decrease sexual harassment-don’t just “tell” the reader, “show” the reader.

  • Focus on at least 2 recommendations for each component

Recommendations for Ethical Climate

  • Introduce solutions that could help create a solid ethical climate & decrease sexual harassment-don’t just “tell” the reader, “show” the reader.

  • Focus on at least 2 recommendations for each component

Tips for the Recommendation Section:

  • For this section, your recommendations should tie back to SPECIFIC examples that were provided when you discussed the issue in your analysis section. 

  • Stay focused and provide an organized and succinct recommendation section.

  • The recommendation section should be written in paragraph format.


  • Unify the overall central themes in a succinct way-Avoid restating everything you just discussed in the recommendations section.

  • For example, the overall central themes are: Leadership, Ethics (or ethical climate), Sexual Harassment and the importance of recommendations (in general).


Make sure your reference page is set up properly and the references are formatted correctly. You don’t want to lose unnecessary points. OWL and the internet is filled with examples of how to format various resources in APA format. Start with OWL first.