Strategic HRM Plan


Publicly Traded Size:

Small Business Sector:

Bank Funding:

Revenues based Stakeholders:

Customers Decision makers:

Executive Team Formal organization:

For-profit corporation Human Resources Department:

Strategic and Transactional Stage in Organizational Lifecycle:



Founded in:

1936 Dedicated to:

The company is striving to continue to expand its products and services in new industries and international markets.

There are numerous, yet untapped opportunities, which will propel the company into the next phase of development.

Culture Although this is a very large company, we are trying to maintain a small company feel, in which management is accessible and open to communication from all employees. Within each business unit, the objective and implementation plans are developed in close collaboration with employees and managers.


The executive responsibilities for managing the company rest with the CEO, who also serves as chairman of the board. Each major business unit is managed by an executive VP, to whom all country managers report. Within each geographical location, depending on size, there are VPs assigned to each unit of the company, such as sales, marketing, HR, customer services, etc. Within these units, each task specific sub-unit is managed by a senior director or director, depending on size. Each director has two or more managers, product managers, or project managers, that report to the director.

page 1 / 6 Mission statement:

Able to be, flexible and allow the organisations to respond rapidly to both market and customer needs.

Vision statement:

Our vision is to be the best company in the world--in the eyes of our customers, shareholders, communities, and people. We expect and demand the best we have to offer and aspire to become the company most admired for its people, partnership, and performance.

INTEGRITY: By dealing honestly with our clients, staff, vendors and community.

RESPONSIBILITY: By considering the environment in which we do business, community views and the common good.

PROFITABILITY: By being aware that an appropriate level of profit is necessary to maintain our business and allow our values to continue to be observed.

Values statement:

In conducting our business, we will realize our vision by performing our affairs so that our actions provide confirmation of the high value we place on:

Present goals:

To reduce delivery and distribution time of products and services. To reduce the number and frequency of customer complaints, and to improve the response time of customers inquiries.

Past goals:

To reduce employee turnover by 20 percent by introducing a new employee assistance program. To improve productivity by implementing a company-wide training program. To actively recruit skilled workers into the organization.

Brief SWOT analysis:


Known brand Positive cash flow Loyal customers Known for product quality Weaknesses:

Expensive advertising Experienced management approaching retirement Products and/or services have not been updated for a long time High quality is offered at too high of a price Opportunities:

Improving economic outlook International expansion via Internet business Partner with larger companies to expand services Buy out some competitors Technological advances Threats:

Vulnerability to recession and business cycles page 2 / 6 Unproven relationship between government and private sector Changing needs and preferences of stakeholders Expected increases in tenured employees compensation FEEDBACK:

Customer feedback:

Negative comments: 18 Positive comments: 51 Issue resolution: 2 Reachability: 2 Cancellation: 8 Friendliness: 6 Product knowledge: 9 Overall: 4.6 Employee feedback:

Negative comments: 75 Positive comments: 26 Negative comments: 75 Positive comments: 26 Issue resolution: 4 Reachability: 8 Cancellation: 1 Friendliness: 3 Product knowledge: 7 Overall: 3.9 RESEARCH USING LibGuides:

Generic Specific REFLECT ON:

Question 1:

Do organizational goals support the mission, vision, and values statements?

Question 2:

Does the organizational structure support the strategic plan for the organization, communication, decision making, customer service, employee engagement and satisfaction, and cross department interaction?

Question 3:

Are there apparent gaps in skills, talent, or diversity in the leadership team or staff?

Question 4:

From a review of the information provided, what areas are in need of further development?


PART 1: Strategic HRM Proposal This assignment is about both the design and execution of human resources management strategies. Create a report that addresses systematically and strategically the aspects of managing the organization's human assets, and what really needs to be done to implement these policies. Write from the perspective of a manager who makes a proposal to the company management. Address the human page 3 / 6 resources topics outlined below, from a strategic perspective.

Short-term and long-term unit goals (SMART format):

-- Specific: What will be accomplished? What actions will you take?

-- Measurable: What data will measure the goal? (How much? How many?

How well?) -- Achievable: Is the goal doable? Do you have the necessary skills and resources?

-- Relevant: How does the goal align with broader goals? Why is the result important?

-- Time-based: What is the time frame for accomplishing the goal?

Unit organizational development strategies, addressing:

-- Objectives -- Approach -- Expected benefits -- Strategic focus -- Milestones in the organizational development roadmap PART 2: Hiring Plan and Compensation Package Proposal In this assignment you will consider strategic issues in staffing, succession, compensation, and diversity management. Assume the role of a manager within your chosen organization and create a report to the management team, which addresses the most critical aspects of hiring and succession in the organization. Address all the topics outlined below.

Describe the main components of the hiring/succession plan (manager's role) addressing:

-- Candidates evaluation -- Training -- Key positions -- Access to records -- Interest assessment Describe the main components of the recruitment plan (HR role) including the following sections:

-- Needs assessment -- General and specific recruitment -- Goals, strategy, and action steps -- Methods of recruitment -- Budget (summary of main items) -- Recruitement resources -- New employee orientation and training Describe the main components of the compensation plan: salary study and incentive plan (compensation committee role), addressing -- The compensation philosophy -- Pay policy regarding hiring, promotion, and merit -- Pay range alignment with external market analysis -- Communication of pay policies to employees -- Consistency Describe the main components of the diversity management policy, addressing:

-- Recognition and respect for the individual differences page 4 / 6 -- Maintaining a positive workplace environment PART 3: Performance Management Cycle In this assignment, you will address the performance management cycle (PMC). Effective performance management aligns the efforts of supervisors and employees with organizational objectives, promotes consistency in performance assessments, and motivates employees.

Assume the role of a manager within your chosen organization and create a PMC plan that addresses management by objectives, individual development plan, training, feedback, and salary administration.

Address the topics below in the context of your chosen organization.

Management by Objectives(MBO) plan (cascade goals from unit to individual), including:

-- Institutional goals -- Individual goals -- Periodic performance reviews -- End-of-year appraisal sessions Individual development plans (IDP for one employee of your choice), including:

-- Position description -- Unit organizational chart -- Employee career goal -- Supervisor expectations -- Outcomes/Results from previous IDP year -- Timelines and milestones for next IDP year -- Employee comments Unit training and development needs, addressing:

-- Goals and objectives -- Timeline -- Budget Feedback (for two employees -- one performing and one struggling), addressing:

-- Performance metrics (3-5) -- Type of review (formal, informal) and frequency -- Objective of review/feedback (e.g., motivation, compensation, promotion, disciplinary, etc.) Short description of possible corrective actions Short description of possible recognitions and rewards Promotion/succession planning activities Evaluation and salary administration, addressing:

-- A review of salaries across the organization -- Starting salaries and progression PART 4: Reflective Summary of Strategic HRM -- Write a reflective summary (750 to 1000 words). Consider your Scenario Generator Report and the previous three assignments. Assume the role of a unit manager who is evaluating the last year and looking ahead to the next year.

-- Connect your experience with the assignments to the course page 5 / 6 objectives.

-- Synthesize the various elements of your Scenario Generator Report and the previous three assignments in a manner that demonstrates mastery of essential concepts and principles.

-- Include any recommendations you have for increasing organizational effectiveness, discuss sucesses and areas of improvemenet.

-- Your paper should demonstrate critical and creative thinking.

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