Unit IV Discussion Board history

HY 1120, American History II 1 Cou rse Learning Outcomes for Unit IV Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 4. Summarize the impact of the civil rights movement on social, political, and economic infrastructure of society from the mid -20th century to today. 4.1 Identify people associated with the Civil Rights movement. 5. Summarize varied perspectives concerning American Imperialism, including expansionism, foreign policy, and trade. 5.1 Identify people associated with American Imperialism. 5.2 Identify the programs in the interwar years that built up the United States at home. 7. Identify contradictory theories and perspectives concerning American Imperi alism, including expansionism, foreign policy, and trade. Reading Assignment In order to access the following resource(s), click the link(s) below: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/education/resources/periodictable.html The automobile industry before 1900. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://web.bryant.edu/~ehu/h364/materials/cars/cars _30.htm To gain further knowledge of the material, please view the PowerPoint presentations below. These will help you identify key people discussed in this unit, important details not covered within the lesson, and political cartoons from the time period to have a view into the mindset of people towards key topics. For Unit IV PowerPoint A presentation click here . For a PDF version click here . For Unit IV PowerPoint B presentation click here . For a PDF version click here . Fo r Unit IV PowerPoint C presentation click here . For a PDF version click here . Macmillan, M. (2014). 1914 and 2014: Should we be worried? International Affairs , 90 (1), 59 -70. doi:10.1111/1468 -2346.12095. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direc t=true&db=31h&AN=93594710&site=ehost -live&scope =site Mancini, A. M. (1997). Neutral in sprit?: An analysis of Woodrow Wilson's policies and the United States' involvement in. International Social Science Review , 72 (3/4), 136. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.as px?direc t=true&db=31h&AN=72159&site=ehost -live&scope=site Unit Lesson Fallout of the Great War For Americans, the decades between the world wars were times of contrast and change — and with good reason. The visual images of the Great Depression, such as businessmen in bread lines, had etched UNIT IV STUDY GUIDE America between the Wars HY 1120, American History II 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title themselves into historical memory, but that is only part of the story. This would be a time of great joy and heartbreak, triumph and adversity, and magic perhaps best encapsulated in F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1924 masterp iece The Great Gatsby . This setting provides a backdrop to the attitudes and abundance of American society in the Roaring Twenties. Although the more outrageous fads of the time would fade, some of the cultural gifts still continue today.

Perhaps the most timeless, poignant donation is the fervent flowing radiance of Jazz music, which is impassioned enough to stimulate dance, decadence, and deception, but with the soul to personify both the highs and lows of the era. Unit IV will focus on the fallout of th e Great War, the realities of coming home in the wake of great changes, and the society that was mortared back together from the rubble. American Renewal The end of the Great W ar brought about a period of renewal in America. Though the US’s time in the war was limited, it took its toll on the younger generation by accounting for over 320,000 killed, wounded, or MIA. As with any war, there would soon be a period of economic deterioration, causing widespread loss of jobs, great migrations in search of oppo rtunity, and a renewed period of struggles. The first modern war was a nightmare; a conflict so devastating that many believed it was barbaric enough to ensure that another war would never begin. In the wake of the war, there would continue to be waves in political leadership, including Harding and Fall’s scandalous Teapot Dome and Hughes’s ambitious Five -Power Naval Treaty of 1922, but as a whole, it was a return to politics as usual. Today, we know that there would soon be an even more devastating series of conflicts on the horizon, but at the time, it was a period of thankfulness and celebration. The 1920s remain one of most iconic decades for the U.S. The affordable automobi le may be one of the strongest manifestations of this ideal. Loud and flashy, the automobile inspired exploration, innovation, and even youthful expression to breathe a renewed zeal into the nation. Henry Ford’s savvy business success was not without a mor e universal purpose and outcome; in addition to a rise in the necessity for car parts , America’s obsession with travel would inspire new roads and services, introducing the iconic styles of glass gas pumps and full -service stations. (For more information, see http://web.bryant.edu/~ehu/h364/materials/cars/cars%20_30.htm .) Motels and restaurants would appear and grow near more successful businesses to serve the growing numbers of weary travelers. Sometimes even new communities would arise, perhaps most notably in regions outside of the chaos and racket of major cities, areas that are today known as suburbs. New Normal There was also a new “normal” for many demographics in the pop ulation that had spent much of the previous century simply trying to have their voices heard. Women, for the first time, were given ballots to vote for the President. Despite Harding’s failures in office, this first election after the war was one of great significance concerning equality for all Americans. Women again would defy expectations with a rise in numbers seeking education, including college admittance, and a more public image shaped by the increasingly popular magazines geared toward women, which threatened to shatter the gender spheres of influence. This culminated in another chance for controversial reform: the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Like suffrage, the ERA would emphasize the equal ability and intelligence of women. However, this would ultimately find defeat in the political halls. Unlike the suffrage debate, the divide between supporters was not as pronounced along gender lines. The question of what equality really meant became a common topic of conversation; would this equality stop at wage increases? Or was there a barrier that could safeguard protective legislation, such as maternity leave and related provisions, types of extreme physical labor, and Portrait of Henry Ford. (Hartsook, 1919) Courtesy of the Library of Congress HY 1120, American History II 3 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title even gender -specific washroom facilities? This reform would again shake the expectation s of society and lead to a new generation of outspoken female leaders in the coming decades. Another group tried to once again find their place in American society — African Americans, many of whom were veterans of the war, fresh from an overwhelming accept ance by the French. These efforts would again lead to large patterns of migration due to inefficient or corruptive influences in regions of heightened segregation, including a clear negative influence in the American Southeast. This was punctuated by a pro nounced, and often publicly sponsored, revival of hate groups who tried to use religious and moral imagery to spread their message to the susceptible masses. Groups such as the Ku Klux Klan resurged during this era, becoming an unavoidable reality. Now muc h less a secret society than an unofficial policing agent, their message of 100% Americanism ensured that segregation was kept alive not only in the Old South but throughout the nation. In the North, which had been the destination for many during current and earlier migrations, a wave of culture change encapsulated the spirit of the society. Marcus Garvey built a regiment of supporters who joined his Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) in droves, and the term “New Negro” was coined as a way to i dentify those who influenced a renewed era of culture reflective of the African American. This culture became known as The Harlem Renaissance. It resulted in the creation of a rich legacy of great works of art that were painted, written, and musical, espec ially with the rise of jazz and blues. For many of the upper crust, this became a time of luxury and criminal mischief. The 18th Amendment, which banned all manufacture, sale, and ingestion of alcoholic beverages, had an unexpected consequence: crime grew throughout the nation. In major cities such as Chicago, crime bosses could have more power than police chiefs. Figures such as Al Capone became like kings, offering debauchery to anyone who chose to partake. Today, the image of the semi -hidden speakeasy is still prevalent throughout media. Gambling, alcohol, prostitution, and other crimes against moral standards were less and less of a risk for those seeking these vices, which included pol iticians, writers, artists, and other persons of influence and affluence throughout society. This was just a taste of the kind of corruptive influence that was present in this era. Not unlike the political machines a century earlier, these kings of influen ce had a resilient hold on the lower and working classes. However, unlike Boss Tweed and his contemporaries, these newer kings were, more often than not, “deposed” by being riddled with bullets. They were finally brought under control with a repeal of the 18th Amendment in 1933. The Great Depression Just as many had taken the era by storm, there were also those who became immersed in more melancholy views. Often associated with the horrors of war, changes in the society they had known, or simply drowning in the vices of the age, cultural titans such as Hemingway, Lewis, Faulkner, and Fitzgerald illuminated a darker side to the time, a reality for many in the shadows of the showy lights. These artists discussed themes of poverty, loss, prejudice, and misse d opportunity. This “Lost Generation” provides even modern readers with a depiction of timeless struggles and human emotions drowned out by society. These depictions, ranging from rural Mississippi, to Cuban seas, to lavish New York, still have a way of re aching out to us in modern times. They would become increasingly relevant to all as the next great challenge arose: a worldwide economic collapse of unprecedented scale. The Great Depression hit the world from seemingly out of nowhere. Its devastating eff ects would cripple the country’s economic infrastructure and hierarchy, which had outgrown any possible sustainability. Herbert Hoover, who took office in January 1929 on a platform of savings and reform, may be today better known for Hoovervilles — the unflatteringly named Al Capone (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1930) A “Hooverville” in Portland, Oregon (Rothstein, 1936) HY 1120, American History II 4 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title tenements filled with starving Americans — than any action taken during his presidency. Though a veteran of strife and personal ambition from need, he had little leadership experience . He was too weak of a presence to provide leadership during such a calamity as the Great Depression. By 1929, the U.S. economy was reaping what it had sown in the years after the war. The U.S. decision to forego providing aid for European rebuilding and instead contribute to the devastation through demands of wartime repayment meant that traditional buyers were no longer able to purchase industrial goods, and the economic collapse finally spread across the Atlantic. In addition, poor management of funds, such as irresponsible dispensing of credit and overly drastic cutbacks to the wealthy, only caused greater economic divide in America. Segregation of haves from have -nots increased, creating greater social tensions throughout the population. Hoover tried to keep the nation’s head above water through plans of good faith between production and industry, but as debt rose, so did frustrations. Tariffs, taxes, price lowering, and limiting supply all failed to resurrect the economy. National spending, though hel pful to a few, was far too little too late. When he left office, Hoover had seen the American economy shrink to nearly half its worth in 1929. In 1933, the economy was the lowest it had been in a generation. Millions had lost everything, and there was no l onger faith in his leadership to correct the nation’s course. Once again, the desperation led to rash action, which meant new spikes in racism, such as the Scottsboro case, and a renewal of two controversial voices in American politics:

Socialism and Commu nism. The Second Roosevelt As much as Hoover had appealed to the common person with his poor upbringing, it was difficult for the now -destitute American voter to imagine one of his or her own having the answer to battling the Depression. It is from this frustration that the nation would find Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). A cousin of the charismatic former president Theodore Roosevelt, FDR was also a demanding character with a face that the camera loved. FDR practiced a policy of government working for the people, not one of better times are ahead . It was this enthusiasm that had brought him success as New York’s governor. FDR and Hoover were complete opposites in the eyes of the American people, and that was the perfect recipe for bringing the Democratic Party back into the White House for the first time since the Civil War. FDR made himself what he had to be: a man of the people. Though this was almost an insult to the elites who shared his experiences, Roosevelt proved his willingness and ability to reach out to the struggling masses. Perhaps his greatest gift was his ability to use the technology of the day to his advantage. Being stricken with polio, he had limited ability to walk, which might have un fairly discounted him in a more prosperous or invasive era. However, that handicap was cleverly hidden with camera tricks and a dedicated support network. Despite this affliction, Roosevelt embraced the office of a public figure, speaking directly to the A merican people in their homes via radio broadcast of his Fireside Chats. He provided a calm but assertive reminder that there was a strong, charismatic, and active voice behind the American public’s interests. FDR knew that time was not his ally, and he promised the American people that changes would come soon — a plan that he explained would unfold in the first 100 days of his term. This plan would eventually become known as the New Deal. In simplest terms, the New Deal was a series of federally funded programs , most of which put the average American person back to work, generally on projects that directly addressed other government needs, such as infrastructure building. (For more information see http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/education/resources/periodictable.html .) FDR in 1933 (Goldensky, 1933) FDR talking to the American people during a fireside chat (President Franklin, 1933) HY 1120, American History II 5 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title Other programs that were also part of this New Deal would be those that reformed banking practices to ensure that the people’s money was safe. Now, with money in people’s pockets and faith in financial institutions, Americans could again become consumers, and with consumption, the downward spiral started to reverse. Of course, no plan is perfect, and there is al ways an opposing side. FDR’s plan was no different. Republicans, now out of their accustomed political roles, argued about loopholes in the programs. They claimed that the plan was fascist and unequally beneficial to different -sized businesses and farms, a s well as anti -capitalistic in nature. One program, the National Recovery Administration, was even declared unconstitutional. Even nature seemed to be against FDR. Steinbeck’s masterpiece The Grapes of Wrath describes the hardships of the dustbowl that pla gued the American Midwest in the 1930s, describing it and the economic plight as akin to a trial, death, or a demon itself: “Our people are good people; our people are kind people. Pray God some day kind people won't all be poor” (Steinbeck, 1939/1992, p. 239). Despite the disbelievers and heartache, the New Deal quickly benefited millions. With that motivation, a second major effort was launched in 1935 with the Works Progress Administration (WPA). This program was also geared toward lowering unemployment and satisfying public works’ needs. Roosevelt, remember, considered himself a man for the people. However, as widespread as these programs were, many in the American population still would not directly benefit. In this time of uncertainty, even those who were able to remain employed needed some assistance against the big businesses such as steel, which held all bargaining power in the down economy. With this in mind, what had emerged initially as a socialist measure, unionization, was given a much -needed ally in 1935 with the Wagner Act and the Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO). These guaranteed the safety and legality of unions. The next and perhaps most notable still -existing program today would address those who could no longer work but who f elt the economic strain all the same: Social Security. Though not as comprehensive as today, it did ensure benefits for a struggling population. Even with these plans, life was not perfect, and many suffered. This was especially true for the youngest and oldest, those without deep American or European roots, and those suffering through segregation. Still, the majority of the population saw the American economy shifting to the positive. FDR soundly won re -election in 1936 and subsequently took the opportuni ty to guarantee additional political support. Using age against several current judges, he opened new positions on the Supreme Court to account for Republican carryovers. This meant that he would be able to guarantee four Democratic voices on the highest c ourt in the land. The New Deal had supporters and detractors, but for many Americans it brought hope to a time that might otherwise not have had any. Roosevelt’s plans put people to work. The New Deal reached across age, gender, and ethnic lines to ensure that opportunities were as fair as possible, and it worked to restore good faith in banking, labor, and protective institutions that had withered in the wake of the 1929 crash. As this era affected people on a world scale, it is important to recognize ho w our own families and communities were and are impacted by both the time and the programs associated with it. This was a project that was designed to be stimulating and enlightening. By 1938, the luster of the New Deal was wearing off, but opportunity was shifting across the Atlantic. Once again, there were rumbles of discontent and aggression rising from W estern Europe, and this time the German Wehrmacht army was marching under a fascist swastika and banner. At the same time, the often -elusive Empire of J apan was making noise, gearing up to strike to ensure its own preservation. The world was again about to be at war, and the United States was no longer able to assume a policy of isolation. References Federal Bureau of Investigation. (1931). Al Capone in 1930 [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Al_Capone_in_1930.jpg Goldensky, E. (1933). FDR in 1933 [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:FDR_in_1933.jpg HY 1120, American History II 6 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title Hartsook. (1919). Henry Ford 1919 [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Henry_ford_1919.jpg President Franklin D. Roosevelt broadcasting his first fireside chat regarding the banking crisis, from the White House, Washington, DC [Photograph]. (1933). Retrieved from https://catalog.archives.gov/id/6728517 Rothstein, A. (n.d.). Hooverville Portland Oregon [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hooverville_Portland_Oregon_1936.jpg Steinbeck, J. (1992). The grapes of wrath . New York, NY: Penguin. (Original published in 1939) Volunteers of America Soup Kitchen WDC [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Volunteers_of_America_Soup_Kitchen_WDC.gif Suggested Reading The following are primary source readings that go hand in hand with the time period being discussed within this unit. For first -hand experience during this time period feel free to check out the following: To gain a further insight into World War II, specifically the Double V Campaign, and how it impacted the nation, specifically the African -American section, check out the article below. Classroom Connections: World War II and the Double V Campaign (Gr. 10 -12). (2013, November 12). Retrieved from http://www.nypl.org/blog/2013/11/12/classroom -connections -wwii -double -v-campaign - gr-10 -12 For those who enjoy watching movies that incorporate the historical attributes of time periods, the following two movies are suggested: Luhrmann, B (Director). (2013). The Great Gatsby [Motion picture]. USA: Warner Bros. Entertainment. Mitchell, R (Director). (2013). Hyde Park on Hudson [Motion picture]. USA: Universal Studios Home Entertainment.