Intercultural Errors and Missteps.

Cultural point of View and Diversity

Student 1 (2) Aug 18, 2017 9:39 PM

This is assignment is very confusing to me and I haven't had a group project yet. I did find this article on walmart

-Re:Re:Re:Cultural point of View and Diversity

Student 2 (5) Aug 19, 2017 12:35 PM

      Your article on Wal-Mart is very informative. I like the statement that made, according to Sean Clarke, CEO of Wal-Mart China, based in Shenzhen, previously worked in Britain, Japan, Germany, and Canada. China, he says, is easily the most challenging market to operate There is a huge level of distrust.

       In the USA, Wal-Mart has the influence in power (25 % of the United States grocery business) to compel wholesalers to do things the Wal-Mart way. That comes with slashing expenses. In return, the wholesaler reaps constant request from Wal-Mart, therefore they will not have to put much expense into promotions or fear paying additional expense to employ their establishments to meet unpredictable heights in request.

Re:Re:Re:Re:Cultural point of View and Diversity

Student 1 (2) Aug 19, 2017 8:21 PM

The talking point that stood out the most to me was that the article states that "If the Arkansas-based company wants to win over foreign consumers, it has to shed some of its American ways, and cater to very different customs and conventions that are fast changing" (D'Innocenzio & Wiseman, 2016). American society looks for a faster shopping experience and more convenient products versus fresher and sustainable products, that is why the retail giant has been so successful. My take away is that Walmart had to learn that in the international market as well as providing right type of product. Walmart also gave up on food retail in Germany in 2006 because it doesn't have the capacity to force local markets to lower prices like it does in the states (D'Innocenzio & Wiseman, 2016).