
Case Study: Joshua

Name: Joshua


Joshua is a 17-year-old Caucasian male. Joshua is a junior in high school and his parents report he is an “average” student, earning Bs & Cs a majority of the time. Joshua is the youngest of four children, his two eldest siblings no longer live in the family home. Joshua’s 19-year-old sister lives in the family home while she attends the local college. Joshua is a medium build

Treatment History

Joshua was hospitalized last year for a substance abuse disorder. Joshua has been using drugs and alcohol since his 12th year.

Current Treatment

Joshua reports he has no current therapist, “They just don’t listen to me and even when they do they don’t understand my issues.”

Current Disposition

Joshua has called the hotline reporting “I just don’t see any reason to go on.” Joshua reports that his girlfriend recently broke with him and he has been feeling hopeless about his future. Joshua reports that he plans to “Play in traffic” soon.