
Sample Case Study Analysis Process & Submission Outline

Please consider this case study analysis outline to prepare & perform your case analyses for our class. Please feel free to modify & improve it any way you prefer.

  • After performing your case analyses individually and/or with your team, please submit a case summary using the suggested 1-page outline attached on page 2.

Step 1: Case Overview

Step 2: Situation Analysis

Step 3: Analysis Process


What kind of case is this?

  • Decision needed

  • Problem to solve

  • Evaluation of a strategy or issue?

  • Combination or hybrid?

Evidence and Assumptions

My understanding of the protagonist’s situation:

  • What are the 3-5 most important facts or factors that I know from evidence in the case?

  • What 1-2 key facts or factors are “unknowns”?

  • What are reasonable assumptions for “unknowns”?

Detailed Alternative Analysis

Summarize Key Findings:

  • What does the case evidence tell me about the alternatives according to my criteria?

  • What insights did I glean from my analytical frameworks?

  • Which evidence supports my Key Findings?

Global Frame of Reference

  • How do I frame the case problem, decision needed, strategy or issue within the context of Managing in the Global Environment?

  • What can I demonstrably learn about Managing in the Global Environment in my approach to this case? i.e. why this case in this class?

Alternatives & Decision Criteria

  • What alternatives should be considered?

  • What criteria should I use to evaluate the alternatives?

  • What are the most significant facts or factors I need to analyze to fully evaluate the alternatives?


  • What are my overall Conclusions supported by case evidence and my Analysis?


    • ..my own ..


  • Which graphics best illustrate my Analysis?

Self-awareness, Intuition & Instincts

  • What was my initial reaction to this case?

  • How might my bias limit my thinking?

  • What is this case all about REALLY? i.e. what is REALLY going on here?

Analysis Approach

  • What quantitative & qualitative analytical tools & frameworks should I apply to this case & why?

  • How do I best represent my analytical approach?

  • What other approaches did I not choose & why?


  • Recommended action plan – what should the protagonist do Monday morning?

  • What critical success factors will I use to evaluate my recommended action plan?

Sample Case Study Analysis – Submission Outline

Step 4: Submit a 1-page MAX individual/team case analysis using the following outline with 1-3 bullets for each of the first 6 headings:

Source: below is sample case study analysis outline based on McKinsey & Company’s classic outline for consulting client projects.

  • After completing the thorough analysis outlined in Steps 1-3, please synthesize & summarize your analysis, conclusions & recommendations.

  • Depending on the case, this outline works for both simple (5-7 pages) & complex cases (10+ pages) plus Appendix with support documents.

  • Please do not submit case summaries or other case information; submit only your succinct analysis, key findings & recommendations.

  • Please feel free to research, create, adapt and/or customize other “best practice” formats that better serve your individual strengths.

  • Further reference: please feel free to research McKinsey’s 7S Model for comprehensive analysis & recommendations, per below illustration:

Case Analysis Submission - Sample Outline

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Executive Summary



Key Findings




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