•Complete a genogram, using the template in the Learning Resources, of you and a nonfamily member

Cultural Genogram
Dimensions of Culture

For each of the Identity Factors below, enter three characteristics that symbolize or define that identity factor from your (or your non-family member’s) perspective based on cultural norms. Then, consider how these values influence your thoughts on social responsibility.

{Enter your name here}

Identity Factor: Family

Identity Factor: Country or Origin/Residence

Identity Factor: Race/Ethnicity

Identity Factor: Gender

How would you describe your family?

Where did you grow up?

What symbols/values represent your culture?

What roles, responsibilities, and/or expectations are associated with gender in your experience?

Culturally Defined Characteristics

Culturally Defined Characteristics

Culturally Defined Characteristics

Culturally Defined Characteristics

Direct or Indirect influence on orientation to Social Responsibility

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