C o u rs e S y lla b u s

C o u rse D e scrip tio n

An exam ination of advanced practical theory as it applies to the classical industrial hygiene field. R eview an array of

investigative, scientific, engineering, organizational, and social skills that are necessary to effectively control occupational

and environm ental health hazards.

C o u rse T e x tb o o k(s)

Fuller, T. P. (2015). Essentials of industrial hygiene. Itasca, IL: National Safety C ouncil.

C o u rse L e arn in g O u tco m e s

Upon com pletion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Sum m arize the historical underpinnings of the field of industrial hygiene.

2. Exam ine the role of the O ccupational Safety and Health Adm inistration (O SHA), National Institute for O ccupational

Safety and Health (NIO SH), and other relevant organizations that influence w orkplace safety and health.

3. Assess toxicological principles related to industrial hygiene issues.

4. C om pare various occupational exposure lim its (O ELs) and their uses.

5. Explain key industrial hygiene concepts such as routes of entry and hierarchy of controls.

6. Exam ine different types of industrial hazards com m only addressed by the industrial hygienist.

7. Evaluate com m on industrial hygiene related hazard assessm ent and control strategies.

8. Apply industrial hygiene m anagem ent principles and practices to w orkplace situations.

C re d its

Upon com pletion of this course, the students w ill earn 3 hours of college credit.

C o u rse S tru ctu re

1. Study G uide: C ourse units contain a Study G uide that provide students w ith the learning outcom es, unit lesson,

required reading assignm ents, and supplem ental resources.

2. Learning O utcom es: Each unit contains Learning O utcom es that specify the m easurable skills and know ledge

students should gain upon com pletion of the unit.

3. U nit Lesson: Unit Lessons, w hich are located in the Study G uide, discuss lesson m aterial.

4. R eading Assignm ents: Units contain R eading Assignm ents from one or m ore chapters from the textbook and/or

outside resources.

5. Suggested R eading: Suggested R eadings are listed w ithin the Study G uide. Students are encouraged to read the

resources listed if the opportunity arises, but they w ill not be tested on their know ledge of the Suggested R eadings.

6. Learning Activities (N on-G raded): Non-G raded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of


7. Journals: Students are required to subm it Journals in Units I-VIII. Journals provide students the opportunity to reflect

critically on course concepts and ideas. Specific inform ation about accessing the Journal rubric is provided below .

8. U nit Assessm ents: This course contains Unit Assessm ents, w hich test student know ledge on im portant aspects of

the course. These tests m ay com e in m any different form s, ranging from m ultiple choice to w ritten response


9. U nit Assignm ents: Students are required to subm it for grading Unit Assignm ents. Specific inform ation and

instructions regarding these assignm ents are provided below . G rading rubrics are included w ith each assignm ent.

Specific inform ation about accessing these rubrics is provided below .

10. Ask the Professor: This com m unication forum provides you w ith an opportunity to ask your professor general or

M O S 6301, A dvanced Industrial

H ygiene

M O S 6 3 0 1 , A d v a n c e d I n d u s t r i a l H y g i e n e 1 Agency for Toxic Substances & D isease R egistry (http://w w w .atsdr.cdc.gov/substances/index.asp)

O ccupational Safety and Health Adm inistration (https://w w w .osha.gov/chem icaldata/)

Inform ation about accessing the grading rubric for this assignm ent is provided below .

U nit IV Essay

After reading the Unit IV Lesson and your assigned readings, choose three substances that w ere discussed. O ne

substance m ust be a gas/vapor hazard, one m ust be an aerosol hazard, and one m ust be a biological hazard.

W rite a m inim um of one page for each hazard you choose (a m inim um of three pages total), w hich sum m arizes the

follow ing inform ation:

Explain w hether the substance is a chem ical or biological hazard, and explain how you determ ined that.

Explain the key chem ical properties (vapor pressure, vapor density, m olecular w eight, relative size) as applicable, and

describe how these properties affect the different routes of exposure. Based on the chem ical properties, how w ould you

identify w hich exposure route is the m ost im portant?

Analyze how the substance could enter the body through the derm al route, and discuss w hy the derm al route w ould or

w ould not be im portant.

D escribe the region of the respiratory system w here deposition w ould be expected (only for the aerosol hazard).

You should use your textbook and resources from the C SU O nline Library to obtain inform ation for this assignm ent. You

m ust use proper APA form atting for all references that you use. The title page and reference page do not count tow ard

m eeting the required page count.

Inform ation about accessing the grading rubric for this assignm ent is provided below .

U nit V Article R eview

In the Health and M edical C ollection database w ithin the C SU O nline Library, locate and read the follow ing article:

Sw ierczynska-M achura, D ., Brzeznicki, S., Now akow ska-Sw irta, E., W alusiak-Skorupa, J., W ittczak, T., D udek, W ., . . .

Palczynski, C . (2015). O ccupational exposure to diisocyanates in polyurethane foam factory w orkers. International

Journal of O ccupational M edicine and Environm ental Health, 28(6), 985-998.

W rite a sum m ary of the article that addresses the follow ing variables:

Sum m arize the industrial hygiene sam pling procedures that w ere used in the study to evaluate a chem ical hazard.

Explain the results of each of the sam pling procedures used, how those results w ere used to evaluate occupational

exposures, and the potential health effects of chem ical hazards.

Provide your opinion as to w hich of the sam pling procedures used in the study provided the m ost accurate and precise

inform ation about the occupational exposures of the w orkers and potential health effects. Explain w hy you chose one

particular sam pling procedure over the others.

You should use the textbook and resources from the C SU O nline Library to obtain inform ation for this assignm ent. Your

article review m ust be a m inim um of three pages in length, not counting the title page and reference page. Use APA style

w hen w riting the paper, m aking certain to include in-text citations and references.

Inform ation about accessing the grading rubric for this assignm ent is provided below .

U nit VI Scholarly Activity

In the follow ing assignm ent, you w ill be given tw o different questions concerning the m aterial covered in this unit. Each

question should be answ ered using a m inim um of 250 w ords. Any resources, including your textbook, that are utilized to

answ er the questions should be cited and referenced using APA form atting. A tem plate has been provided here for you to

use to answ er the questions. Enter your answ ers into the tem plate, and upload the tem plate into the assignm ent area w ithin

Blackboard. The questions you w ill be answ ering are show n below (and in the tem plate).

The O ccupational Safety and Health Adm inistration (O SHA) currently has a perm issible exposure lim it (PEL) for noise of 90

dBA at an 8-hour tim e-w eighted average (TW A) exposure w ith an action level of 50% of that exposure. O SHA uses a 5 dB

exchange rate (doubling rate); this m eans that if the exposure increases from 90 dBA to 95 dBA, the allow ed exposure tim e

decreases to one-half— from 8 hours to 4 hours.

The National Institute for O ccupational Safety and Health (NIO SH) and the Am erican C onference of G overnm ental Industrial

Hygienists (AC G IH) recom m end using an exposure lim it of 85 dBA instead of 90 dBA and also recom m end using a 3 dB

exchange rate. These levels are m uch m ore protective than the levels currently used by O SHA.

D iscuss the m erits of each of the tw o m ethods. Provide your opinion as to w hich of the approaches you believe should be

used. Support your answ er w ith at least one professional/scholarly reference.

O SHA does not currently have a regulation specifically covering ergonom ic issues. O SHA has issued several guidelines for

som e specific industries. C onsider a w orkplace you are fam iliar w ith w here there is a potential for repetitive m otion injuries.

D iscuss w hat m ethods you w ould use to identify tasks that w ould present the greatest risk for repetitive m otion injuries. How

w ould you establish an ergonom ics program to address the issues? W hat w ould be the greatest obstacles in establishing

the ergonom ics program ?

M O S 6 3 0 1 , A d v a n c e d I n d u s t r i a l H y g i e n e 3 Inform ation about accessing the grading rubric for this assignm ent is provided below .

U nit VIII R esearch Paper

For the follow ing research paper assignm ent, you have been asked to perform an evaluation of em ployee exposures at a

sm all autom obile parts m anufacturing facility. The m anufacturing processes include tw o m etal presses, tw o m achining

stations, three w elding stations, a sm all paint booth, and a shipping/receiving area. There are tw o em ployees w orking at

each press, one person w orking at each m achining station, one person w orking at each w elding station, tw o people w orking

in the paint booth, and four em ployees w orking in the shipping/receiving area.

O ne of the presses is a 2,000-ton press, and the other press is a 200-ton press. The 2,000-ton press is the greatest noise

source for the facility. The m achining area uses a m etal w orking fluid. The safety data sheet (SD S) for the m etal w orking

fluid is attached here. All w elding is perform ed on stainless steel. The painting booth uses a pow der coating operation, but

the em ployees use xylene and m ethyl ethyl ketone (M EK) to clean the parts prior to the pow der coating operation. At the end

of the shift, one of the em ployees uses 1,3 butadiene to clean the nozzles for the paint booth. The facility uses tw o electric

forklifts to m ove m aterials betw een the production area and the storage w arehouse and betw een the w arehouse and the

shipping area. All em ployees w ork an 8-hour shift.

Part 1:

Using the inform ation on anticipation and control w e studied in the textbook, identify the hazards that are present in the

facility. In your discussion, explain w hy you chose the hazards, and describe w hether you believe the hazards to be actual

hazards or potential hazards (w hich require further evaluation). D escribe the specific location(s) at the facility w here the

hazards are located, and determ ine how m any em ployees are potentially at risk in those areas.

Your response for Part 1 should be at least one page in length.

Part 2:

Using the inform ation on evaluation that w e studied in the textbook, sum m arize how you w ould m easure the personal

exposures to the hazards that you identified in Part 1. Use the O ccupational Safety and Health Adm inistration (O SHA)

w ebsite (https://w w w .osha.gov/dts/sltc/m ethods/toc.htm l) or the National Institute for O ccupational Safety and Health

(NIO SH) w ebsite (http://w w w .cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2003-154/default.htm l) to select the specific sam pling and analytical

m ethod that w ould w ork best to evaluate any chem ical hazards you identified. Provide a sum m ary of the sam pling m edia

you w ould use, include the sam pling flow rate, discuss how long you w ould sam ple, and explain how you w ould calibrate the

sam pling train. Include a discussion about w hy you selected the specific sam pling and analytical m ethod.

Your response to Part 2 should be at least one page in length.

Part 3:

Access the attached sam pling results here. For each set of results, perform the follow ing actions:

C alculate the 8-hour tim e w eighted average (TW A) exposure.

C om pare the results to the appropriate O SHA perm issible exposure lim it (PEL).

D eterm ine w hich results exceed an established O SHA PEL.

W rite a one-page sum m ary of the sam pling results; docum ent the exposures that exceeded an O SHA PEL, and identify

those areas that you believe w ill require the application of controls to reduce risk. Include your calculations, include a list of

the O SHA PELs you com pared the results to, and explain how you decided that an exposure exceeded an O SHA PEL.

Part 4:

Using O SHA’s hierarchy of controls, recom m end the control m ethods that you believe w ould be the m ost effective for

reducing the risks associated w ith the exposures that exceeded the O SHA PEL above. Explain how you w ould im plem ent

the controls and how you w ould evaluate the effectiveness of the controls. Also, discuss any interim control m ethods you

w ould recom m end for the facility.

This section should be at least one page in length.

Include a reference page and in-text citations for all sources you used in this project, including your textbook, using proper

APA form at.

Inform ation about accessing the grading rubric for this assignm ent is provided below .

A P A G u id e lin e s

The application of the APA w riting style shall be practical, functional, and appropriate to each academ ic level, w ith the

prim ary purpose being the docum entation (citation) of sources. C SU requires that students use APA style for certain papers

and projects. Students should alw ays carefully read and follow assignm ent directions and review the associated grading

rubric w hen available. Students can find C SU’s C itation G uide by clicking here. This docum ent includes exam ples and

sam ple papers and provides inform ation on how to contact the C SU Success C enter.

G rad in g R u b rics

M O S 6 3 0 1 , A d v a n c e d I n d u s t r i a l H y g i e n e 4