research paper


Mental health of black teenagers


(Institutional Affiliations)


Mental health is crucial for the effective performance and productivity of an individual. Without proper mental, a society can perish because its people cannot think and execute duties efficiently. Mental illnesses had been rampant in this generation considering the statistics conducted and the number of suicide and ill vices taking place within the society. The most commonly reported cases of mental illnesses are depression and anxiety. It is quite dangerous when teenagers suffer from mental illnesses because they are at a crucial stage in their lives when they are supposed to make the right decision and build their futures (Merikangas & Swendsen, 2010). The most affected group with cases of mental disorders happening to be black American youths from rough backgrounds because research shows that depression is rising among young people, especially black female middle scholars. According to many scholars, many black kids are dying from suicide, and this is a worrying trend.

Mental health and suicide

Mental health is very significant to a person’s well-being because they need to form interpersonal relationships and live fulfilling lives. Teenagers are sensitive to pressure and external factors within their surroundings, and thus they have to be properly counseled and where necessary, put under the watch of a psychiatrist for them to manage such a difficult stage of their lives. Many black youths have been committing suicide at an alarming rate, and that has to be addressed. Apart from police brutality and lack of proper health care, suicide attempts and depression is quite a disturbing issue among black teenagers (Merikangas & Swendsen, 2010). According to the Centre for disease control and prevention white people still report the highest number of suicide cases, however it has been noted that suicide rates among black youths have gone up over the recent years. More black youths have been killing themselves even more than elders, and that’s a dangerous trend.

Having a mental disorder has been closely related to suicidal attempts, and it has been noted that black teens with anxiety disorders were more likely to attempt suicide. On top of that, depression has been affecting more black teens over the past few years than back in 10 years. Depression is a serious mental health issue that negatively impacts the lives of young black teens and leads them to suicidal attempts. It is quite important for the various health institutions and black parents to have ways of countering this mental problem that affects black teenagers. One of the most effective ways of handling depression is through cultural or religious practices like prayers. These are important in decreasing suicide and offering social support (Zielinski, 2016). Many black youths lack a sense of belonging and this pushes them to other sources of incitement like drugs which in turn leave them feeling empty and worthless. It is very important for black youths to be mentored in social places and filled with hope for them to have a purpose in life.


Another way of dealing with depression among black youths is to engage them in family activities within the community. Black youths need to identify with development programs within their community to appreciate their lives and stay off negative thinking that leads to depression. When black youths feel left out and worthless in the society, they are likely to develop suicidal thoughts. One of the main issue affecting black youths is the lack of an environment that support open communication and non-judgemental attitude towards problems. Many black youths find it hard to open up to their parents or close relatives because of the fear of being judged and the victimization any issue that portrays “weakness” or a struggle with something ( Zielinski, 2016). Many mental health issues that affect black youths can be countered if openness is encouraged.


According to Dr. Anne Glowinski, who is child psychiatry, there is number of black teens suffering depression than is presently being detected and treated. This is the situation despite a call for health providers to concentrate more on preventing suicide. Prevention of suicide includes more detection of depression that is an indicator of suicidal tendencies. This means that there haven’t been enough focus on the identification and treatment of mental illness in the health industry especially on young black males (Turner, 2015). One of the main barriers to treating depression is that many youths are not even aware of the symptoms of depression and thus fail to seek treatment. This shows that there is room for college counselors, parents and healthcare providers to step up and create awareness of the signs and symptoms of depressions so that teenagers can identify when they are going through such. On top of that, more information on mental illnesses needs to impart on young blacks so that they can be aware of their mental health.

The most effective and proven way to deal with mental health is to get a therapist. Very few black teenagers have access to the therapist as compared to teenagers from other racial groups. Considering that black teenagers find it hard to open up to their parents and teachers on personal issues, it will be helpful to create links between therapists and teenagers in black neighborhoods. There are so many stigmas associated with mental illnesses, and that is a barrier when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. For there to be an effective treatment of mental illnesses, it is important for teenagers to find a neutral and non-judgemental environment where they can express their personal issues. Such an environment can only be provided by therapists and psychologists. Mental illness is quite a sensitive issue and can only be addressed by a professional who understands the psychology of somebody going through such a condition.


The mental health of any teenager is quite important considering that they are at a stage in their lives where they need to plan and strategise for their future endeavours. Many cases of mental illnesses among black teenagers go unnoticed and only become realized when it affects their physical health. This is because there is no awareness within the black community on what mental illness entail and how to diagnose and treat it effectively. More access to therapists, education on mental health and strong bond between parents and kids need to be formed to deal with mental health among black youths.


Merikangas, K. R., He, J. P., Burstein, M., Swanson, S. A., Avenevoli, S., Cui, L., ... & Swendsen, J. (2010). Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders in US adolescents: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication–Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A). Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 49(10), 980-989.

Zielinski, A (2016). Why Are so Many Black Kids Dying From Suicide. Retrieved on 1st april, 2017 from:

Turner, E (2015). Psychology Today. Depression and Suicide in Black Youth. Early warning and signs and coping strategies for parents. Retrieved on 1st April, 2017 from: