You will investigate and report about The Federal Register and "The Foundation Center." These are two resources designed to assist organizations in acquiring grant dollars. For each, you will provide answers to the following questions:

HLTH 553

Investigative Report Grading Rubric


Points Possible



Instructor’s Comments

Thoroughly researched The Federal Register

Thoroughly researched “The Foundation Center” organization

Clearly answered the following questions:

  1. What is it?

  2. Where does one find it?

  3. Why does it exist?

  4. Who authorized or sponsored it?

  5. How does one access the data from it?


The paper was correctly written as an investigative report (i.e. first person). This includes a recanting of research methodology and the student’s opinion of the value of the resource.


Spelling and grammar

Attached as a word document

Sufficient pages number (3–5 pages)

Total Points