Final Paper Outline


Includes an Introduction Which States the Ecosystem Selection and Includes an Outline of An Overview of The Topics to be Discussed in the Paper

Total: 0.50

Distinguished - Includes a thorough introduction which clearly states the ecosystem selection and includes a complete outline of the all of the topics to be discussed in the paper.

Outlines the Physical Structure of the Selected Ecosystem and How These Factors Come Together to Create the Ecosystem

Total: 1.00

Distinguished - Accurately and thoroughly outlines the physical structure of the selected ecosystem and how these factors come together to create the ecosystem.

Outlines the Biological Structure of the Selected Ecosystem and How These Living Forms Come Together to Shape the Selected Ecosystem

Total: 1.00

Distinguished - Accurately and thoroughly outlines the biological structure of the selected ecosystem and how these living forms come together to shape the selected ecosystem.

Outlines the Function of the Selected Ecosystem and how the Physical and Biological Structure are Related to the Ecosystem’s Productivity

Total: 1.00

Distinguished - Accurately and thoroughly outlines the function of the selected ecosystem and how the physical and biological structure are related to the ecosystem’s productivity.

Explains the Process of Succession in the Selected Ecosystem

Total: 1.00

Distinguished - Comprehensively and accurately explains the process of succession in the selected ecosystem.

Outlines One Mutualistic Interaction in the Selected Ecosystem and Each Species Contribution and Benefit

Total: 1.50

Distinguished - Accurately and thoroughly outlines one mutualistic interaction in the selected ecosystem and each species contribution and benefit.

Outlines One Predator-Prey Interaction (or plant-herbivore interaction) and how this Interaction Impacts the Community as a Whole

Total: 1.50

Distinguished - Accurately and thoroughly outlines one predator-prey interaction (or plant-herbivore interaction) and how this interaction impacts the community as a whole.

Outline the Magnitude of Human Impact on the Selected Ecosystem

Total: 1.50

Distinguished - Accurately and comprehensively outlines the magnitude of human impact on the selected ecosystem.

Outlines Whether the Species and Their Interactions Presented Will be Able to Adapt to Negative Human Impacts Discussed

Total: 1.50

Distinguished - Logically outlines whether the species and their interactions presented will be able to adapt to negative human impacts discussed.

Outlines a Summary Paragraph that Reviews All of the Main Points in the paper and Then Draws a Logical Conclusion

Total: 0.50

Distinguished - Comprehensively outlines a summary paragraph that reviews all of the main points in the paper and then draws a logical conclusion.

Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Total: 0.50

Distinguished - Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.

Written Communication: APA Formatting

Total: 0.25

Distinguished - Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title page, and reference page.

Written Communication: Page Requirement

Total: 0.25

Distinguished - The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages. 

Written Communication: Resource Requirement

Total: 3.00

Distinguished - Uses more than the required number of scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.