Ryan Tr Grant Proposal Review

RUNNING HEAD: Developmental Neuropsychology 1

Grant Proposal – Developmental Neuropsychology

Student Y

PSY625: Biological Bases of Behavior

Instructor: Joshua Childers

August 20th, 2017

Neuropsychology and the Importance of Cognitive Development


Cognitive development is an important focus regardless of culture or diversity. It is how we communicate with the world and how we ultimately perceive concepts. In our society, today, there are numerous obstacles in our way on the path to developing atypical communities/youth.

A Review of the Literature

For example, selective deficits in developmental cognitive neuropsychology. These barriers undertake the development of children and adolescents. Precisely, defining and ways to overcome prefrontal cortical GABAergic neurons in schizophrenia defined by the presence of calcium-binding proteins, Bradley C., D. (2013). Studies within this research has proven that with steady academic management, the symptoms from this disorder will be kept in a reduced state but will never be fully gone. These are dimensions based on having atypical process of development and the positive means of development for which they can lead, this was described in detail within the study Abstracts of the 4th UK, (2014).

The more we keep our mind active, the better cognitive functioning we develop. Increased neural activity and critical thought are essential to steady cognitive development. This can lead to further positive development later in adulthood. A study in (2009) preforms evaluation in the form of adolescent development into adulthood and later life cognitive development. Main take away is that early stage development is critical to further Adult Neuropsychology, “Crucial Differences between Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and Adult Neuropsychology” (2009). Thus, what better time to start the development of our youth in the community.

Drug abuse also plays a tremendous role in cognitive development. This must be one of the most prevalent issues if we are to overcome depressive issues that may result from alcohol, drug, physical, and even sexual abuse. Two studies detail the background associated with substance abuse, Conrod & Nikolaou (2016) and Donders & Hunter (2010). The (2016) study is an annual research review of developmental neuropsychology and how substance abuse can lead to further digressive states or disorders. While the (2010) study emphasizes importance of early academic achievements to a life-long positive development of neuropsychology. The article gives multiple ways against the principles and practice of obtaining systematic behavioral, cognitive, and psychosocial changes. The comparative review of both these articles confirms how important substantial parental involvement can be to this program. If we are able to involve the parents and coach them on the long term negative effects based in these studies, then we will be making progress within our community.

Not only can we learn more about cognitive development and neuropsychology from the studies conducted within the United States, but we can also learn from other cultures. Studies conducted by Kaczmarek in (2013) and Engert/colleagues (2010). There are many different aspects of comprehensive principles and practice among, both, the Russian and Western developmental neuropsychology. The primary emphasis is on social aspects of child development in Russia. Monitoring conceptual thinking and inhibition of the comparative academics can help us better understand what works and what doesn’t. In the (2010) study, parental care is evaluated in association with future stress responsivity in later adulthood. Also, the study of associations between early life experience, endocrine regulation, psychological development. These studies substantially prove that stress untreated leads to anxiety, anxiety in turn can lead to depression. These studies also reveal a strong emphasis in anger management, and understanding that these tendencies often have underlying defensive patterns of behavior. Behavior that could be associated with a child’s value system at home, Kaczmarek in (2013). Again, emphasizing the importance for adults to get involved with our program to discourage stress.

Furthermore, there are studies that define healthy cognitive development to that of a working memory, Multiple Concurrent Thoughts: The Meaning and Developmental Neuropsychology of Working Memory (2010). We will implement assigned tasks in order to determine each child’s unique learning style. The information stored in memory is compared against self-regulation of cognitive decisions. Working memory can be described as the small amount of information held in a readily accessible area of the brain, ready to enhance the critical thinking of a cognitive outcome. In a study conducted back in (2009), a basic understanding of neuropsychology and the mental disorders that are the most prevalent today are highlighted. We feel that an education on these cognitive disorders are imperative, Pennington (2009).

  • Acute Stress Disorder.

  • Agoraphobia.

  • Amnesia, Dissociative.

  • Anorexia Nervosa.

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Bipolar Disorder.

  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

  • Brief Psychotic Disorder

Lastly, our goal for children that already have these disorders is to assess the cognitive functioning of school-aged children suffering from various disorders. With the help of our Psychology professionals, there are several areas of cognitive development study that are effective and can be related to other mental disorders, Ruffieux et al , (2010).


The significance of this program is that every article and research explained in the ‘Background’ section will be implemented. Our biggest barrier, as detailed in Aldridge & Cowles (2000), will be parental outreach, we want the community involved and that includes children/adults. We will get parents involved in the developmental stages of cognitive development. Not only will adults and children learn new strategies/techniques but they will also begin to impose the strategy at home, and within their own social networks, strategy developed by Anooshian in (2007). We will teach the significance of learning styles and uncover several various of academic achievement. Children will also learn the importance of stress management, in a study conducted back in (2016), children who talk about their problems socially are more susceptible to positive development; so, they may deal with their emotions in a healthy way, Brownell et al (2016). This program will contribute to the field of neuropsychology by proving adaptive academic learning and hands-on strategies enhance the mind for expanded academic achievement in the classroom.

The proposed project will improve scientific knowledge by implementing primary focus on the individual child. Primary focus on one child within the channels of education are extremely hard to accomplish, we will furnish a learning style to each student to bring into the classroom. Technical capabilities will further expand research to conduct this study on adolescents. Also, as researched by Sergeyevna in (2013), there are many disorders that affect our youth. Sleeping disorders are the most overlooked but could play the most pivotal role in cognitive development. With some of our proposed research and effective implementation of strategy, future use of this program can only be expanded.

Concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, services, and preventative interventions that drive this field will be changed due to the acceleration of academic achievement across our community. This project will help us uncover learning styles, teach critical thinking strategy, constructive social roleplay situations, one-on-one sessions to enhance behavior/learning, and, in some cases, uncover multiple types of abuse, the importance of these strategies can be substantiated within the study conducted by Siegal in (2009).


Abstracts of the 4th UK Pediatric Neuropsychology Symposium: Atypical Developmental Pathways, 19-23 May 2014, London, UK. (2014). Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 562-23. doi:10.1111/dmcn.12459

Aldridge, J., & Cowles, M. (2000). The development of significance in students through the acceptance of personality, cognitive and language differences. Education, (3), 323.

Anooshian, L. J. (2007). Distinctions between Implicit and Explicit Memory: Significance for Understanding Cognitive Development. International Journal Of Behavioral Development, 21(3), 453-478. doi:10.1080/016502597384749

Bradley C., D. (2013). Selective deficits in developmental cognitive neuropsychology: An introduction.

Brownell, M. D., Ekuma, O., Nickel, N. C., Chartier, M., Koseva, I., & Santos, R. G. (2016). A population-based analysis of factors that predict early language and cognitive development. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 35(International research utilizing the Early Development Instrument (EDI) as a measure of early child development), 6-18. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2015.10.004

Conrod, P. J., & Nikolaou, K. (2016). Annual research review: On the developmental neuropsychology of substance use disorders. Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry, 57(3), 371-394. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12516

Crucial Differences between Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and Adult Neuropsychology. (2009). Developmental Neuropsychology, (4), doi:10.1080/87565649709540693

Donders, J., & Hunter, S. J. (2010). Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Irina Sergeyevna, P. (2013). Sleep disorders and their significance in the development of cognitive impairments. Nevrologiâ, Nejropsihiatriâ, Psihosomatika, Vol 5, Iss 4, Pp 49-53 (2013), (4), 49. doi:10.14412/2074-2711-2013-2455

Kaczmarek, B. (2013). Review of the book by Janna M. Glozman “Developmental Neuropsychology”. Psychology In Russia: State Of Art, Vol 6, Iss 2, Pp 118-120 (2013), (2), 118.

Multiple Concurrent Thoughts: The Meaning and Developmental Neuropsychology of Working Memory. (2010). Developmental Neuropsychology, (5), 447. doi:10.1080/87565641.2010.494985

New developmental neuropsychology study findings have been reported by V. Engert and colleagues (2010). Mental Health Weekly Digest.

Pennington, B. F. (2009). How neuropsychology informs our understanding of developmental disorders. The Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry And Allied Disciplines, (1-2), 72. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2008.01977.x

Ruffieux, N., Njamnshi, A. K., Mayer, E., Sztajzel, R., Eta, S. C., Doh, R. F., & ... Hauert, C. -. (2010). Neuropsychology in Cameroon: First Normative Data for Cognitive Tests among School-Aged Children. Child Neuropsychology, 16(1), 1-19. doi:10.1080/09297040902802932

Siegal, M. (2009). Language and thought: the fundamental significance of conversational awareness for cognitive development. Developmental Science, 2(1), 1.