Project Management- Creating a "Risk Register"

EagleWrench Hangar Relocation project.


You are in the maintenance office of a medium sized repair facility. The senior manager has asked you to come up with a project plan and budget to move your 51-person maintenance facility from hangar 12 to the new and larger hangar 18. These are your constraints:

  1. Cannot interrupt normal business operations, M-F 8am to 5pm.

  2. Cannot consume more than 10% of anyone’s time.

  3. Inventory; 25 file cabinets, 3 data servers, 10 employees cubical with desks, 2 conference rooms of furniture, satellite uplink equipment, 400,000 parts inventory and shelving, 1 heavy crane, 4 forklifts, 90 pieces of stationary equipment that can be moved with a forklift, and 60 pieces of wheeled equipment.

  4. The new office will need phone, new network, and premise/physical security.

  5. The old office network equipment will stay.

  6. You have a $100,000 target budget.

  7. You have a 10 day window from the time the new building is complete to the time you must be out of the old building.


Create a "Risk Register" for the project.