

Proposed Course for Development


Course Title

Professor’s Name


Proposed Course for Development

I have chosen Information Technology as the course which I plan to develop for this particular class. Information technology is a disciplinary field encompassing the areas of data security, communication, data entry, networking, web design, and programming. Information technology complements other academic fields like business, engineering, medicine, nursing, agriculture, architecture, and statistics by providing relevant software to solve and mitigate problems in the respective fields. Information technology is used in contemporary organizations today to make work faster and more efficient while ensuring that private information belonging to the company is, kept safe, away from the reach of malicious third parties for example hackers.

Goals of the Course

The specific purposes of this course include producing individuals who have the ability to acclimatize and progress in multifaceted technological atmospheres which manifest in different working places. The course also aims to create information technology specialists who epitomize a firm footing in professional computing and business ideologies that are relevant to information technology. Also, this course purposes of developing information technology personnel, who are careful, accurate, critical thinkers, and who intellectually share the information they have acquired with others as well as carry on with their education even long after completion of the course. Finally, this course intends to produce information technology personnel who enjoy immense success in practicing the knowledge they acquired and applying it in other fields where relevant.

Target Learners

The target students for this course are individuals who have knowledge in other academic areas, for example, business and engineering but lack the prerequisite acquaintance with information technology to help them advance in their profession. The course I offer to develop may also be, taken by individuals who purport to diversify their knowledge and skills in information technology for their benefit. To enjoy success and reap maximum benefit from the course, the learner has to be self-motivated and a risk taker to turn this learning experience into an adventure.

Challenges Faced by Online Learners

Online students face a myriad of difficulties which are common to most of them taking into consideration that similar technology is employed to acquire knowledge. The first challenge which is common to most of them is adaptability because most of them have a common mindset of taking notes from the classroom and passively listening to an instructor. The change from an actual eye to eye instructor to a cybernetic classroom becomes cumbersome for some students (Simpson., 2013). Online learning requires active students, so resistance to change limits the ability of a learner to get habituated to Course Management Systems employed in electronic online learning (Hew and Cheung., 2014). Adapting requires students to have an open mind when undertaking their course and also to derive help from their peers.

Students also have technical challenges whereby limited bandwidth prevents them from accessing all the resources required by the online course and hence they cannot catch up with their classmates on the virtual platform (Simpson., 2013). Since they cannot be at per progressively with the Course Management System, the whole learning process becomes knotty. Moreover, some of the learners do not own computers and therefore rely on education resource centers for their technical solutions. Students need to be aware of the technical requirements for a course before they enroll for the same, hence adequately preparing themselves for the prerequisite necessities for the course.

One of the main challenges which handicap online learners is the management of time. Time is a significant resource in online studies since online learning involves intensive work (Hew and Cheung., 2014). Students have to keep abreast with new learning material as well as submitting assignments and taking examinations in time. Despite the fact that most people prefer online learning because of its flexibility, they still have to plan their schedules actually to accommodate assignments and examinations. Effective measures include setting reminders and alarms.

Most students who embark on taking their studies via the web face the challenge of self-motivation (Hew and Cheung., 2014). As a result, they will give up because there is no one physically present to remind them to read and submit assignments. A positive attitude will help the learners to be motivated at all times and see through their studies (Hew and Cheung., 2014).

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, the learner should have the ability to solve problems which are related to business and apply the solutions in a computational setting. The learner should also be able to use modern techniques of database management in professional practice. Moreover, the student should possess the ability to communicate and disseminate relevant peer information. Consequently, the learner should have the capacity to express and adhere to the ethical, legal and social requirements of practicing information technology. The learner should also be able to design systems and components including websites and software which meet the specified requirements. At the end of the course, the student ought to have the ability to analyze emerging trends which are relevant to information technology critically. The learner should also be able to manage information technology package software as well as manipulate them. By the termination of this course, the student ought to have the prerequisite knowledge in the working and maintenance of computer programs to ensure data security.

Learning Theories to Apply

The original argument I would use is the theory of Online Collaborative Learning. Through this learning theory, a platform for students to work together to come up with new knowledge, initiate innovations and explore various avenues providing solutions culminates. Hence, students acquire concepts needed to solve problems instead of cramming the answer professed to be correct. The learner is hence active and occupied while the instructor is the connection to facts. I would prefer applying this theory of learning because it does not replace the tutor but improves communication between the instructor and the learners.

I would also employ the connective approach in facilitating and developing my course on the online platform. Connective theory encourages autonomy of the learner; hence, the student makes the choice of content in which he wants to study (Mogane., 2015). The content of the course is also open therefore future activities can be planned, and reminders may be, set for due assessments. The content on the online platform is also varied, with a broad range of tools that provide an opportunity for dialogue and discussion. Applying the theory of connective learning ensures there is communication between the learners, therefore, resulting into the budding gen.

I would also enforce the constructivist approach which seeks to reconcile outward authenticities with erstwhile familiarities. Constructivism theory suggests obtaining ideas from contact with other people hence discoveries are made, and similarities and differences are established, through the adequate testing of the hypothesis (Cao., 2014). Through this theory, learners are empowered, with both knowledge and values. Since everyone is unique and treated independently learning occurs through communication between the student, the instructor and other students as a social process.

How to Motivate Students on an Online Platform

First, I would provide a timely response to assignments, therefore, ensuring that each apprentice knows where to make the necessary rectifications and the grade they scored. Knowledge of scores on assignments helps students in preparing for their assessment because they can project the categories that will be awarded for the course (Khoo and Bonk., 2014). Moreover, it ensures steady flow regarding coverage of the curriculum; therefore, the course is covered completely and in time.

I would also respond to any questions asked by the students within the shortest time possible. It would not take me more than 24 hours to respond to queries asked by students. The learners will, therefore, acknowledge that their tutor is as committed to the course as they are. Moreover, it will help them in preparation for their assessment.

When formulating the curriculum, I would encourage the participation of students to know what they want to learn and include it in the system. Consequently, I would take the time to provide reading material as well as practice on the same to give the learners the impression that their views on the course and its content are relevant. The new topics introduced and suggested by the students may be discussed and learned through interactive web discussions and blogs (Khoo and Bonk., 2014).


Cao, D. B. (2014). Oral English Teaching Context Construction Based on New Media Environment. In Advanced Materials Research (Vol. 860, pp. 3013-3016). Trans Tech Publications.

Hew, K. F., & Cheung, W. S. (2014). Students’ and instructors’ use of massive open online courses (MOOCs): Motivations and challenges. Educational research review, 12, 45-58.

Khoo, E. G., & Bonk, C. J. (2014). Adding some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ activities for motivating and retaining learners online. Open World Books.

Mogane, T. (2015). Stories and Theories: What learning are we missing?. Teaching & Learning, 2.

Simpson, O. (2013). Supporting students in online open and distance learning. Routledge.