Thanks inadvance I have the name of the company

Full Legal Name: Apple Incorporated

Stock Symbol: AAPL

Interest in the Company:

Apple Inc. is a multinational company that is based in the United States. Apple Inc. has been criticized of not producing its products in the United States. Though the company is based in the United States, most of its products are produced in other countries. The company used to boast of having made in America products but that is not the case at the time (Duhigg & Bradsher, 2012). The company carries out most of its manufacturing activities in China. I wish to help the company to increase its manufacturing activities in the United States.

Nature of the Investment:

The investment involves setting up manufacturing operations in the United States. The company will need to acquire a facility that will house the manufacturing plant and also buy the various equipment that are needed for the efficient running of the facility. It is also necessary to employ various people who will help in the running of the facility. This will help the company in increasing its operations in the United States which also improve the company’s view from the