Project proposal

Progress Report To: Home and Hearth Security Insurance Company From: AlphaBeta Consulting Date: 8/27/2017 Home and Hearth Website Update


AlphaBeta Consulting is in the process of creating a new web site for Home and Hearth Security Insurance Company. New services provided by Home and Hearth will be included in the new revamped website. The website will cater to all customers even in different countries. Additionally, the website will include a corporate blog where clients can voice there concerns to upper management. This is a progress report explaining what AlphaBeta Consulting has accomplished.

Work Accomplished

AB consulting has been hard at work revamping Home and Hearth’s website to include new and existing services. Each service has its own tab where clients can click to get more information. New services such as insurance coverage, employment-related practice liability, financial institutions, management protection, and medical professional liability have all been added to the new website. The website is designed in a way to be user friendly. Each tab will open its’ own splash screen to help the client navigate to the appropriate information needed. One of the most important features added so far is the corporate blog. Once again the blog will have its own tab. When the client clicks on the tab they will be navigated to a screen where they can type a message to send to upper management. The clients have the option to choose who they want to send the message to; otherwise the message will be sent to a general mailbox. It will be someone’s job the go through the emails and relay the message to the appropriate person. The bulk of the website is finished and operational.

Work Remaining

There is still development to be done on the website. AB consulting is still in the process of making sure the website is secure. Home and Hearth deals with very sensitive information. The clients account numbers, addresses, social security numbers, telephone numbers, and other client information needs to be secure. The website developers are working on different strategies to help keep the website as secure as possible to prevent any hacking, or leaked information. AB consulting is still working on making sure the website is internationally friendly. Making sure the language on the website is translated properly, and different exchanges rates are properly implemented.

Problems Encountered

Home and Hearth Security Insurance Company has attained competitive advantage due to its global expansion in Asia, Middle East and South Africa. This has posed challenges in terms of language barriers, inadequate labor, and stringent tax regulations. Another significant challenge is information security since the company relies on sensitive customer data, which guides the customer profile. Furthermore, there are potential internal challenges where employees could collaborate with competitors’ to sell company secrets. Despite the work progress in streamlining of the website, there is the challenge of phishing and spam, which adds up in terms of time to filter out genuine customer emails.

The company has still not established a stable communication channel with customers. The company has, however, put up a website with a public address in which customers can contact it through email messaging. However, there is the foreseen challenge of spam emails and ransom ware. The company also aims to identify a platform, which ensures timely responses to customer queries and feedback. There is also the challenge of making the website and other online platforms automated to ensure constant updates and news about the company. This adds a great challenge since the company is operating on the global market.


Home and Hearth Security Insurance Company is a forward –looking and dynamic company as evidenced by its goal to establish a strong information network. Alpha Beta Consulting Company offers a long-term profitable partnership and the company has total faith. As highlighted in this report, the company’s website is still a work in progress; however, it will eventually be operational after all the necessary loopholes have been addressed. This report thus recommends that an effective data security system is installed to address the problems of spam emails and data loss. The company should also look into establishing a social media account as this will make it efficient to share updates and news to customers. It will also help to obtain market information on competition.