JBoyd N3645 Jan11 The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing APA FORMAT Information Instructions for Title Page To assist students in preparing the title page of required papers, the faculty has identified the following format combining the APA format and the needs in the academic setting. • Every paper must have a title page. • The title page will conform to th e guidelines as stated in APA: The Easy Way , updated for APA for 6th Edition changes, and include additional specific academic information. • Use 12 point Times New Roman font. • Title page should be numbered 1 in the upper right hand corner of the pa ge flush right with the right margin. • Title page will have a running head flush left. Will appear .5” from top of the page. • Running head: TITLE IN ALL UPPER CASE LETTERS MAX of 50 characters • Information on the title page should be double spaced .

• Title should be centered, in up per & lower case letters, center of page. • The title should describe content of your unique paper, not quote the name of the assignment. • Name(s) of student authors should be typed below the ti tle. No student credentials are to be used. • The Univers ity of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing should be typed below the student name. • The following information should be centered at the bottom of the page with a 1 inch margin from the bottom: In partial fulfillment of the requirements of Course number and name Faculty name, credentials Submission date JBoyd N3645 Jan11 Running h ead: UNIQUE TITLE OF MY PAPER 1 (Flush left, no more than 50 characters including spaces ) Unique Title of my Excellent Paper on a Fascinating Nursing Topic Susan Studious ( No credentials) The Univers ity of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing In partial fulfillment of the requirements of N1234 Nursing Course Amazing Professor, PhD, MSN, RN ( Full nam e with complete credentials) May 1, 2011