Week 1: Discussion One Student Posting and Response

Danielle Taylor

ThursdayAug 31 at 9:18am

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After reading over all these skills, no matter what type of writing I do there will always be room for improvement. Three skills that stuck out to me that I probably need some work on are; handling criticism well, handling stress and deadlines and searching online information at an advanced level.

How do these areas relate to becoming a good writer and editor?

I am not one to handle very well someone telling me they don’t like something. This is a weakness of mine and causes lack of confidence in my work. In order to prosper as a better writer and editor I will need to learn to handle it better so that I may improve my skills. Constructive criticism helps to build you to be ae better writer. While constructive criticism helps so does having deadlines. This would help you to work on the timing portion of writing. One of my weak suites in the past journalism classes was searching online information on an advanced level. This helps you to be able to dig for your information deeper than just the surface so that you can increase your skills as a writer. “Journalists with the right skills are essential for journalism — and for preserving journalism’s role within society” (Finberg and Klinger, 2014).

How might these skills positively impact freedom of speech and the ability of the journalist to remain objective and fair in reporting?

These skills impact these because to be a good journalist you must be able to express your opinion in a fair manner. There is freedom of speech in journalism to a certain extend. You must be able to express that opinion in a way that is not bias.

I feel that in order to be a good writer it is extremely important to be able to handle the criticism. Not everyone is going to like what you write. Some types of criticism is good for you to increase your writing skills, especially when you are a beginner. One needs to take that and improve.



Finberg, H. and Klinger, L. (April 2014). Core Skills for the Future of Journalism. Poynter Institute for Media Studies.