Industry Analysis

Assignment Details

Industry Analysis

Industry Choices Fall I - 2017:



  1. Compose a full four page paper (not including title page or reference page) that accomplishes the following:

    1. Provides a summary of the history and current functioning of the industry you have been assigned. Your paper should offer a brief (a few paragraphs) industry history, external factors that impact the industry (e.g. economic trends, legislation, customer demographic trends, etc.), current products and service offerings, basis for competition in the industry (business models), description of markets served, identification of major competitors, and a brief assessment of the financial health of the industry. Given that you are limited to four full typed pages, you will need to be concise, organized, and efficient in your word choice.

    2. Your paper should be supported with at least 5 in text and reference citations from different sources. You must include at least one source from each of the three data bases described below. You will be using APA citation style and may use the APA template available in Microsoft Word or one provided in PantherLearn. All APA guidelines should be followed including those related to in-text citations, cover page, reference page preparation, running head, etc.

    3. Your paper will be graded based on quality of content, strength of writing skills, quality of sources, and quality of APA citation.

    4. An example industry analysis paper is provided in PantherLearn.

    5. Do not include an executive summary or abstract

Data Bases

  1. Online Data Base: Morningstar Library Edition: This is an extensive data base focused on providing investor’s information about publically traded companies. It can be found among the business data bases on our Library’s web pages. Once you get into the data base you can type the name or “ticker” for a company in your industry in the search box. Then you can quickly find detailed information on the company. The “Analyst’s Report” is particularly helpful as it offers current information on the organization and its industry prepared by an analyst with expertise in understanding the particular industry and company. Additionally the “financial statements” and “key ratios” links offer current and historical financial information.

  1. Standard and Poors Net Advantage: This is an extensive data base best known for its high quality industry information. To access this, click on the “Industries” tab (at the top) and select your industry. The information is rich and includes relevant trends, competitive environment, financial analysis “how to” information, as well as information on other relevant industry metrics. The data base also includes other information on organizations as well.

  1. Business Source Complete: This is an extensive data base best known for its quick access to magazine, trade, and journal articles. The searchable data base allows you to search for articles in specific trade publications, magazines or journals relevant to your industry. In this data base you can also access SWOT analyses and Datamonitor Company or Industry profiles. These Datamonitor profiles are extensive research reports on publically traded companies or Industries.

Recommendations for Success on MBA Submissions

  1. While in the MBA you will be writing numbers research/analysis assignments. Typically, in research/analysis papers you are not to include your opinions unless specifically asked for in the assignment.

  2. Cite all sources using APA (American Psychological Association) citation style. You should cite both in-text and in a Reference page provided at the end of your paper. When you create a “New Document” in Word, click on “My Template” and then select “APA Format.” Use this template for building your paper to simplify all APA formatting issues. Note that APA resources can be linked through the Course Page. Your papers must include a cover sheet, body of the paper, and bibliography all APA style.