BUS599 Asignt 4


Marketing Plan

Raymond J Aikins-Kouakou

Professor Daniel Goldsmith

Strategic Management BUS-599


Marketing Plan - Maria Gardas

The heart of any business, whether, new or established, lies on its marketing abilities and strengths. Almost all business aspects are dependent on successful marketing. The entire marketing docket covers sales, promotions, advertisements and public relations. In this regard, marketing can get defined as a process by which a service or a product gets introduced and promoted to target/potential customers. A business may offer some of the best services or products, but in the absence of marketing, potential customers would not know the existence of the products or services. Not marketing one’s products or services is likely to result into the crash of the sales, which is likely to lead to the closure of the business. In other words, the success of a business depends on making known its services or products to potential customers; this is also referred to as creation of product or service awareness. In the absence of proper marketing, potential buyers may never get to know what a company is offering; therefore, the business may not succeed. By using marketing to promote one’s services and products, the company offers the business a chance to be discovered by potential and willing customers. In this regard, it is important to properly market NAB Maria Gardas product in order to ensure that potential customers are aware of the new products in the market, giving a chance to drive sales to a higher level, thus high profits. For successful marketing, it is important for a business to have in place a marketing plan that will act as guide on achieving success through marketing.


The NAB Maria Gardas is a product produced for promoting family sitting, healthy and enjoyable drinking among the society, family and friends. In addition, the benefit of this product is that it does not have side effects. The name is also a symbol of happy feeling for the consumers. The drink is associated to family and healthy food habits. The NAB must be associated with the joyful, celebratory and happy moments. The non-alcoholic beverage is a source to extend the happiness among the society through friendlier, happier, neighborhoods and healthier family’s. The importance of the NAB is for the individuals who love wines but do no longer want to have alcohol in it. In this regard, the major target market is families and people that are conscious about healthy eating habits.

When it comes to families, the target market is focused on adults only. Even though the drink does not contain alcohol it is targeted at adults that are conscious about their health but want to get the feeling of drinking wine. The price of the drink is affordable as compared to alcoholic wine; therefore, NAB Maria Gardas affordability does not discriminate against the level of income of the consumers. The target market also includes people from all levels of education, gender and ethnic groups. For higher sales and a wide market share, the company targets the restaurants, bars, lounges and clubs, where adults that do not wish to indulge in alcoholic beverage during their visit.


Even though the market for non-alcoholic drinks is crowded, market competition for NAB Maria Gardas is weak due to its features. The market competition for NAB Maria Gardas is not stiff owing to the fact that majority of the wine available in the market contains alcohol. NAB Maria Gardas is a non-alcoholic drink that is also considerate on human health given its low calories content. In addition, the product can be consumed as a meal or a snack, this makes it unique and different from what is offered in the market. The product is also made using farm produce which the company buy from local farmers to promote local farming. Buying raw materials locally helps in reducing the cost of production. Owing to the products unique features and its low price gives the company a competitive advantage over its competitors. Even though it is a non-alcoholic drink, consumers are bound to enjoy fine wine; this gives the company a competitive advantage, thus making the market competition beatable.

Another competitive advantage that the company enjoys is where it distributes its products. Given that NAB Maria Gardas is a non-alcoholic drink, it can be be distributed in restaurants, grocery shops, and any retail shop without restriction, unlike alcoholic drinks. Additionally, restaurants and hotels that do not cell alcoholic products can also sell NAB Maria Gardas. This gives the company an upper hand regarding the market competitiveness. Also, alcoholic drinks cannot be sold in restaurants that do not sell alcoholic drinks, additionally, alcoholic drinks are sold on restriction, this makes the market competition beatable for NAB Company (Federal Trade Commission United State of America, 2010).

Five Fs

Functions stand for the first ‘F’ in marketing. Functions refer to how the product or service meets the needs of the customer. In this case, NAB Maria Gardas fulfills the current need of the customers. Currently, most people are conscious about their health and want to engage in healthy eating habits that contributed to their overall wellbeing. This is a need that NAB Maria Gardas fulfills. Additionally, there is a need for people who wish to take wine without alcohol, and NAB Maria Gardas fulfills this need.

Finances stand for the second ‘F’ in marketing. Finances refer to how the purchase of the product affects a person’s financial situation. In this regard, NAB Maria Gardas is a product made from raw materials obtained locally, thus the price of the product is affordable and does not take much into the pockets of the consumers. Additionally, NAB Maria Gardas is a healthy product that contributes to a healthy living; this enables the consumers to save on medical expenses resulting from bad eating habits.

Freedom represents the third ‘F’ in marketing and refers to how convenient it is to buy and use a product or service. Through consuming NAB Maria Gardas consumers, benefit health wise, as the product has low calories in addition to its healthy ingredient. Additionally, the product can be consumed as a meal or a snack, thus saving on snack expenses.

Feelings represents the forth ‘F’ in marketing, and refers to how a product makes consumers feel regarding themselves. In this regard, NAB Maria Gardas makes people feel happy and refreshed.

Future represents the fifth ‘F’ in marketing and refers to how customers will deal with the product and the company as time passes. NAB Maria Gardas is a healthy product that is likely to impact a person’s life positively both currently and in future. Continuous consumption is beneficial to human health (USATODAY, 2014).

Marketing Vehicle

In order to achieve marketing success, it is important to consider time, cost and resources to be used. A marketing vehicle should not be time consuming, it should be cost effective and should use resources that are available and affordable. In this regard, the marketing vehicles that the company will use are internet, social media, and promotions and road shows.

For the internet, the company will create a company website that will contain all information regarding the company and the products. It will also include frequently asked question for easier help to customers with questions. On social media, the company will use a Facebook page, Instagram, Snapchat, and twitter account and pages on other social media platforms where the products information and benefits will be shared. Promotions will take place in shops and restaurants where the products are sold. Promotion will include free tasting, and selling the product at a reduced price if one buys more than two pieces. Road shows will involve word of mouth advertising using road show trucks and give discounts to those that purchase the product from the markers (Pondicherry University, n.d).

BUS599 Asignt 4 1


Federal Trade Commission United State of America. (2010). THE EFFECT OF MARKET SHARES AND SHARE DISTRIBUTION ON INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE (Revised) [PDF Document]. Retrieved from https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/reports/effect-market-shares-share-distribution-industry-performance/wp002.pdf

Pondicherry University. (n.d). ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION. Retrieved from http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/storage/dde/downloads/markiv_asp.pdf

USAToday. (2014). Opening your Small business. USATODAY. Retrieved from http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/smallbusiness/startup/abrams-week6-opening.htm