Introduce yourself to the class as if you were introducing yourself to a prospective employer.

Hi, I am Martha McCall and I live in South Carolina I am married with five kids and fifteen grandchildren eleven great grandchildren. I have an Associate and Bachelor degree in business administration from Ashford University, and now pursuing my master in Psychology. In my spare time, I like to go fishing or sewing. I have always wanted to get into help people with life struggles even in my life and the things that I had to deal with in my childhood until my adulthood I have had compassionate for psychology. To learn how to work in a professional way. My goal is to open a center to help people with all types of problems in my home town from young adult to the elderly.

I have work in the church for twenty-six years as an Evangelist and have learn how to work with people with different type of personal situation and problem that are presented to them and come up with a plan that will work for them.it is like clinical work.

Personality is a field that have many different type of personality traits, qualities and behaviors and it determine a person’s individuality; this can help with foresee the future behavior. Personality types can be determined by many ways, one of the ways to use scientifically. Just by answer few question about yourself your like and dislike and what you what out of life a professional can help give a report on the type of personality you have, and start a treatment plan. Personality test is mainly measure trait, qualities and behaviors to determine a person’s individuality these tests include checklists, inventories and projective techniques. Behavioral procedures Objectively describe and count the frequency of a behavior, identifying the antecedents and consequences of the behavior(Gregory,2014).

The mental status examination will furnish domains of working with precise depiction of the child's/youth's sentiments, memory, judgment (Gregory, 2014). The trial of Everyday consideration will give the sub-segments of consideration, this assessment and test shows the youngster/youth consideration and center classifications of consideration (e.g. isolated, supported, specific, and so on.). The two appraisals offer a top to bottom comprehension to the patient's psyche, conduct, consideration issues and by and large the best regions of the patient that repress scholarly and behavioral adjustment (Gregory, 2014).

I believe that I will be a great asset to the company because I have some experience with all ages thank you for your time look to be able to work with you in the near future.


Gregory, R. J. (2014). Psychological testing: History, principles, and applications (7th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.