Swot analysis and high level strategy

SWOT Analysis & Strategy for GasEl Case Study

In this assessment, you are required to prepare a SWOT Analysis and overview strategy for GasEl Service Centre.

Populate each quadrant of the grid basing your analysis on information in the resources:

  • GasEl Case Study Briefing Document

  • Distribution of Time document.

  • SWOT Checklist/Template

The Strengths will aid the development of the organisation. Here the group should focus on the internal positive capabilities of the organisation, e.g. good reputation.

The Weaknesses will undermine the development of the organisation. Here the group should focus on the internal negative aspects of the organisation that will limit or diminish the chances of success, e.g. out of date organisation structure.

The Opportunities are there to be grasped by the organisation. These are the external factors that present the organisation with opportunities for success, e.g. customers’ willingness to switch energy suppliers.

The Threats are presenting potential problems for the organisation. These are external factors that have the potential to damage the organisation, e.g. impact of economic austerity on arrears.

Try for at least eight or nine points in each quadrant.

Make sure that the information is clear and concise in bullet point format. Use SWOT Checklist/Template to prompt consideration and discussion of issues. The Distribution of Time also helps to identify the more substantial issues that require attention.

The group then need to evaluate the organisations business situation from the SWOT and identify potential strategic initiatives for the future. The strategy should be high level, based on the results of the SWOT. The strategy should be captured in one to two A4 pages maximum, and should demonstrate critical analysis. The strategy should focus on the high level initiatives/projects, which will address the substantial issues identified in the SWOT. In deciding the strategy you should consider the best sequence of initiatives/projects to increase the likely success of implementation.

Submission must be made using the Template provided, it must be uploaded by all team members as a .PDF file. Participants must each upload the completed assessment to the LMS, as per the assessment calendar.


Assessment: SWOT Submission for GasEl

MODULE: Business Analysis


  1. Swot Analysis (eight or nine points in each quadrant)


  • Large and growing customer base


  • Out of date organization structure


  • Customers willingness to switch


  • Impact of austerity measures on arrears

  1. Proposed Overview Strategy based on SWOT Findings (1-2 pages maximum)