
Topic: Motivation

Subtopic: Employee motivation related to employee performance in the organization

Write an essay about motivation taking into consideration the following points:

Part 1: Introduction (400 - 500 words)

  • What is motivation and how its different forms are related.

  • What is the importance of employee performance?

  • How do the different forms of motivation influence employee performance?

Part 2: Employee Motivation (900 - 1000 words)

  • The concept motivation

  • Herzberg and Maslow

  • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

  • The relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Part 3: Employee Performance (400 - 500 words)

  • Overall Performance in organizations

  • Individual Job performance

  • Measuring job performance (use job performance measuring tools)

Part 4: Employee Motivation and Performance (400 - 500 words)

  • Motivating employees intrinsically to perform

  • Motivating employees extrinsically to perform

Part 5: Conclusion (400 - 500 words) Conclusion

  • Managerial implications
