***DUE TODAY 11/03***I need to create an income statement and balance sheet for a clothing store boutique and have no clue what to include in each section. Instructions are attached.

Assignment 2: Create a Financial Template


The goal of this assignment is to create a financial statement template that will support future classes in determining your income streams and cost centers. For this assignment, you will identify these areas.

Assignment Description

The goal of this assignment is to create a template that will assist you in thinking about your future business concept for your degree and certificate program. To start:

  1. In a minimum 350-word summary in a Word document following MLA format, describe the business concept you would like to write your Portfolio business plan on or apply to your future course projects. You should include a description of the concept, the city in which the business will be located, and type of food/cuisine and menu items.

  2. Open up the CULHRM Financial Template. Then complete the following tasks:

    1. Open up the Income Statement tab. Then go through each of the expense lines and delete the categories that you will not use based upon your concept. For example, a fast food restaurant might not need linen, so that row can be deleted. If you are not serving alcohol, then you can delete those lines. If you have an account that is not listed, then please add it to the sheet along with a brief description.

    2. Complete the revenue portion of the income statement. Remove the categories that do not match your concept. 

    3. Complete the top portion with average check, number of seats, turnover (how many people sit in the seats), and the number of days open per year.

    4. Open up the Balance Sheet tab. Then review the different categories of accounts on this page. Remove the accounts that you will not have in your establishment. Add any missing accounts that you may need.

At this time, do not worry about imputing any dollar amounts into the template other than those indicated in step c. You will be entering these amounts in later courses. You will use this template in this class and in other classes for your degree, so make sure you save this in a safe spot. Please remember to provide sources for any information used in your submissions.

Grading Criteria 

Maximum Points

Submitted a short overview of the concept establishment.

Completed the Operating portion of the Income Statement template indicating the average check, number of seats, turnover, and days open.

Completed the Revenue portion of the Income Statement Template including the type of sales.

Completed the Expense portion of the Income Statement Template. Expenses not used are deleted from the template.

Completed the Asset Section of the Balance Sheet by removing unneeded accounts and adding additional items as needed.

Completed the Liabilities and Owner’s Equity section of the Balance Sheet by removing unneeded accounts and adding additional items as needed.

Cited references in the correct MLA format.



***This template was provided by instructor but it’s for a restaurant. I need one for a clothing boutique***

Name of the Establishment

Income Statement Template

Average Check - Daily

Number of Seats

Average daily turns of seats

Number of days open per year




Revenue from Food sold


Revenue from alcoholic beverages sold - nonalcoholic beverages are included in food


Revenue from serving food and beverage at parties located off premise


Revenue from serving food and beverage in a banquet or party room on the premise


Revenue from sale of durable goods such as T-Shirts, mugs, key chains, bottled sauces, etc

Total Revenues

Description of this expense

Cost of Goods Sold


The cost of purchasing food served in the restaurant


The cost of purchasing alcohol served in the restaurant

Total Cost of Goods

Labor Costs

Wages - Hourly Employees

The payroll for employees who are paid by the hour. Taxes and benefits are included in the benefits line


The payroll for employees who are on salary. Taxes and benefits are include in the benefits line

Benefits and Taxes

The costs of mandatory payroll taxes for the employees

Total Labor Costs

Other Expenses


The cost of outside accountant or bookkeeping services

Advertising - Marketing - Promotional

The costs of promoting the restaurant and advertising the establishment


The costs of chemicals such as dishwashing soap and cleaning chemicals used in the restaurant

Depreciation and Amortization

The cost of equipment spread over its useful life. For example, a stove may cost $10,000 and be used for 10 years. Depreciation allows the owner to spread this cost over the income statements. Note that this is an internal cost—it is not "paid" to anyone


The cost of electricity for the restaurant


The costs associated with any fees not included in other category such as an assessment or usage fee by a government agency


The cost of gas or propane for the restaurant

Insurance - workman's comp

The cost of all other insurance except those associated with payroll

Insurance - Liability

Cost of insurance for liability issues

Insurance - property

Cost of insurance for the building and its contents

Interest and Bank Charges

Cost of mandated workman's compensation insurance


The cost of Internet access


The cost of outside legal services


Cost of the government required licenses to operate the establishment

Linen Rentals

Cost of renting linens from a third party


The costs associated with maintaining and repairing the restaurant and any equipment

Music and Entertainment

Payments for bands, piped in music services, games, etc

Paper Goods

The costs of the paper goods such as to-go containers, paper napkins, and other paper goods used by the establishment


The cost of the phones for the restaurant

Professional Fees

For any other professional services except legal and accounting

Property taxes

Payment of tax on the propery


The cost to rent the space; if it is owned, then the monthly mortgage payments are on the Statement of Cash Flows

Rental of Equipment

The costs of a temporary rental of a piece of equipment


The costs of other items used in the restaurant such as guest checks or other miscellaneous items

Trash Removal

The costs of the trash removal, grease removal, and other debris from the restaurant

Vehicle Expenses

Expenses associated with operating a company vehicle - gas, insurance, repairs, etc

Water and Sewage

The costs of water and sewage for the restaurant

((fill in additional missing expenses as needed))

Total Operating Expenses

Operating Profit (Loss)

Income Taxes

The payments made to the federal, state, and local government on the sales received

Net Income (Loss)

Balance Sheet Template


Cash and Cash Equivalents

Operating Checking Account

The operating bank account is used for all the day-to-day deposits and payments for the restaurants ongoing activities.

Savings Account

The savings account is used to invest excess cash not required for operating activities.

Payroll Checking Account

The payroll checking account is used for all payroll-related disbursements. A separate bank account for payroll is recommended for payroll transactions for audit purposes.

Cash on Hand: Cash Drawers

The cash drawer account is used to track all cash receipts and disbursements from cash registers.

Cash on Hand: Petty Cash

The petty cash account is used for handling small expenses and disbursements.

Cash on Hand: Tips Holding Account

The tips holding account is used to account for tips to be paid out to servers.

Undeposited Funds

All other funds not deposited are recorded here.


Accounts Receivables

This is monies owed to the operations

Accounts Receivables - Credit Cards

An account for credit card transactions


Food Inventory

This inventory represents the cost of any food inventory on hand.

Alcohol Inventory

This inventory represents the cost of any alcohol inventory on hand.

Beverages Inventory

This inventory represents the cost of any beverage inventory on hand.

Paper Goods and Supplies

This inventory represents the cost of paper goods, supplies etc on hand

Chemicals - cleaning supplies

This inventory represents the cost of the chemicals and cleaning supplies


This account is used to track the cost basis of investments

Fixed Assets


This account is used to track the cost basis of the land


This account is used to track the cost basis of the buildings


This account is used to track the cost basis of furniture at the restaurant.

Kitchen Equipment

This account is used to track the cost basis of kitchen equipment at the restaurant.

Front of the House tabletop

This account is used to track the cost basis of table top items at the restaurant

Leasehold Improvements

This account represents the cost basis of any building modifications made to accommodate the restaurant, such as painting, remodeling, or other improvements.

Accumulated Depreciation

Accumulated depreciation represents the total depreciation on tangible assets at a specific date.

Total Assets



Accounts Payable

This payable account represents amounts the restaurant owes to vendors.

Credit Card Payable

This payable account represents the amounts owed on company credit cards.

Gift Certificates Payable

This payable account represents the amount of gift certificates purchased but not yet redeemed by customers.

Federal Payroll Taxes Payable

Amounts due to the federal government for payroll taxes are recorded in this account.

State Payroll Taxes Payables

Amounts due to the state government for payroll taxes are recorded in this account.

Sales Tax Payable

Sales tax collected and not yet remitted is recorded in the sales tax payable account.

Current Portion of Long Term Debt

This is the current payments on long term debts

Notes Payables

This payable account represents current payments for notes and long terms leases

Long-term Liabilities

Loans Payable

The loans payable account represents the principal balance outstanding on any loans.

Interest Payable

The interest payable account represents the interest outstanding on any loans.


Owner's Capital Account

This equity account represents the total of the owners capital contributions in addition to any increases/decreases from annual profits or losses.

Owner's Drawing Account

This equity accounts represents the total of any withdrawal of capital from the restaurant business by the owner.

Retained Earnings

This account is the accumulated Net Incomes from the start of the establishment

Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity