Thesis has been written and attached to help build paper...Week 6The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from four different content domains within the larger field of psyc

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Your paper was composed nicely and it was clear that you put thought into it. However, there should have been more detail on how the literature you have chosen to include supports this viewpoint.


Thesis for Literature Review

Melissa Hall

Ashford University

PSY 699: Master of Arts Psychology Capstone

Instructor: Dr. Shlomo Hollander



Psychological Bulletin

Psychological growth for many years has been a bone of contention. The actual meaning of this term has had different definition all depending on each person’s point of view. For this essay Psychological growth will be defined as the external accomplishment that increases a person’s mental capability. Generally the term will be defined using terms like Development and learning Biopsychological, Sociocultural context and Cognition. These fields of Psychology will be effectively evaluated using evidence based practices in Psychology giving supporting evidence from published peer reviewed sources. This peer- reviewed article typically publishes evaluative and integrative reviews and also clear interpretations on certain issues in the field of psychology. These includes both qualitative and meta-analytic aspects that are considered depending on nature of the area under review. In this case the state of knowledge concerning the areas of interest that includes bio psychological, cognition, social-cultural and learning domains have been researched. Other important areas to be discussed involves various psychological theories and concepts clearly researched and integrated (Garner 1962).

My perspective in this literature indicates that it provides critical assessment of the strengths and weaknesses in past research and important aspects that researchers have failed to resolve. In my view this directs future research in certain issues such as psychological concepts that yield maximum amount of significant information (Visalberghi & Tomasello 1998). Cumulative, historical approaches and Integrative research reviews that develop connections between those areas of study have been incorporated. Methodological and other manuscripts deemed pertinent and accurate with topics at the interface of these domains and psychological society have been synthesized and the research submitted to the Psychological review.


Social domain

The socio-cultural domain is basically associated with theorist like American philosopher John Dewey (2005). It is completely distinct from the cognitive and psychomotor domains as it areas revolve around interpersonal specific skills in which learning occurs. This is a branch of Psychology that deals with the evaluation of the effects the society and culture affects an individual’s behavior and psychological growth and development. This branch is based on the hypothesis that the development of cognition is in two categories the social level, and Individual level. The cognitive functions originate as the relationship between individuals, (Culatta, 2013). This domain is important as because it enhance greater awareness that communicating and teaming skills support leadership skills. The learning process that is include in social context often feature performances on the development of social skills and how they can be used to manage challenges (Visalberghi & Tomasello 1998). Processes of social domain include communication, relating culturally, managing and leading. The socio-cultural philosophies of learning and development emphasizes the significance of social domain learning skills in education

Cognitive development

his is the study of the brains ability in processing information, memory, decision making, reasoning, language, attention among other. This branch of psychology is important in evaluation of the brains capability all aimed at increasing the realm of what is deemed possible, (Neisser, 2014). 

Evidence Based practices in Psychology have in the recent past been underutilized hence the best health results not achieved. The main reason for this is the improper understanding of the theoretical branches and concepts involved in Psychology. In the following essay the evaluation of the necessary effort that should be taken in improving the use of the Evidence based practices.

The evaluation will be covered in a step by step process that will involve, Identifying theoretical constrains, evaluation of constrains and finally recommendations. As per a study carried out by (Michie, Johnston, Abraham, 2017), the study found that there were several domains that could be used in explaining behavior change. The knowledge, skills, motivation, memory and decision making among others were some of the fields noted that were critical in explaining behavior change.

This is the process of growth and change in intellectual abilities for example thinking, intelligence, reasoning and understanding of key issues. It involves acquisition and also consolidation of knowledge. (Visalberghi & Tomasello 1998). Children often draw social-emotions, language and perceptual experiences for cognition. According to experts, cultural context benefits children’s cognitive development. They are able to exhibit high level of interest in solving challenges and also improve their memory capacity

Development and learning

Children develop and grow emotionally, and socially. In many settings these domain involves the change that occurs as people learn different languages as they grow an able to understand and disseminate information (Visalberghi & Tomasello 1998). This is significant in the provided article as it discusses also the learning skills in education.

Bio psychological domain

This involves how the brain and how other biological aspects influences individual behavior, thoughts, perception, consciousness and feelings. Researchers focus how this affects the learning and understanding skills of people. A fundamental theory of bio psychological domain is that both human and non-human have similarities in behaviors that enable them to perceive to different situations and information.

Psychological concepts and theories

Biological theories

Bios psychologists researches how individual’s nervous system, hormones and genetic makeup influences people’s behavior. They explore the connection between mental states and the brain and also how thoughts and moods are shaped. (Garner 1962).

Personality theories

These theories focus on the various patterns of thoughts, feelings and behavior that make someone unique from the rest (Lerner 2001). Some of the best known theories in psychology include Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development and the trait theory of personality

Behavioral theories

Behavioral psychologists ensure that external environment stimuli affect behavior and are trained to act in a certain way on free will. It is based upon the idea that most behaviors are got through conditioning

Cognitive theories

Cognitive psychologists believe that people behavior is often determined by expectations and emotions. Jean Piaget, a psychologist who argued that people solve on challenges that are based on memory of past experiences. They are focused on internal states like motivation, thinking, attention and also problem solving situations (Lerner 2001).

Humanistic and development theories

This approach supposes that people are motivated to realize the full potential and it works on individual empowerment. These theories of development provide a framework of thinking about human learning and growth.

Social psychology theories

This is focused on enabling individuals to understand and explain social behavior; they are basically centered on specific social phenomena that include social influence, prosocial and group behavior


Brain and behavior

Psychology attempts to unpack processes that are complex such as learning, perception and memory. Individual differences vary in their personality, motivation and intelligence. Therefore, psychology explores these aspects and how individuals develop their entity (Lerner 2001).

Group behavior.

Psychologists explore both pro-social and antisocial behaviors that are acquired from other people’s influence and identify how culture and gender roles contribute to shaping a person’s behavior and their impact in challenging situations(Lerner 2001).


From the explanation above the use of Evidence based practice in Psychology have been used in evaluation of the relevant steps that could be used in explaining behavioral change. The method used was forming consensus a common method in evaluation of effective theoretical aspects of evidence based practices. Psychological bulletin article reviews information regarding concepts, domains and theories of psychology to impact positively on the society. The knowledge is critical as it enables individuals to understand their feelings, learning abilities and their influence to each other


Culatta, R. (2013). Social Development Theory (Lev Vygotsky). Social Development Theory. Retrieved.

Garner, W. R. (1962). Uncertainty and structure as psychological concepts.

Lerner, R. M. (2001). Concepts and theories of human development. Psychology Press.

Visalberghi, E., & Tomasello, M. (1998). Primate causal understanding in the physical and psychological domains. Behavioural Processes, 42(2), 189-203.