In your journal assignment, identify Marriout. Be sure to clearly and adequately address the following:Justify how this company or organization satisfies each of the four criteria listed above.Explain


Operations Management Assignment

Darlene Ames


Operations Management Assignment

Journal Entry

Marriot International Inc is a service that offers hotel and restaurant services including food services and boarding. The company is a multinational firm with diverse product and service lines. The multiple product and service categories are vital in giving the customers an opportunity to access a wide variety of products (Krajewski, Ritzman, & Malhotra, 2013). Marriot International Inc also operates in a highly competitive market, the restaurant industry whereby the production costs are major concern. The corporation is required to develop proper cost reduction strategies. It helps to lower the overall production costs at the company.

Marriot International Inc has an effective global strategy. In the last 10 years, Marriot International Inc has been able to expand into numerous foreign nations including North America and the emerging markets in Asia. The vision of Marriot International Inc is to grow strategic initiatives into foreign markets and economies (Smith, Maull & CL Ng, 2014). Thus, Marriot International Inc remains as one of the most successful hospitality company with franchises in different portfolio of hotels and lodging locations.

At Marriot International the 10 operations management critical decisions areas can be applied well to promote productivity. The first operations management decision area is goods and services. It would help the company to implement consistency in quality and resources amongst the diverse business division. The area of quality management would help to ensure to implement quality assurance testing to promote production of products and services. The process and capacity design aspects helps in creating proper decision strategy to achieve all the production goals and objectives. The location area would promote supply chain and choice of location to improve proper marketing and logistics in the company.

The layout design and strategy would help Marriot International to evaluate the use of desks, workstations and materials in the organization. Human resources and job designs are vital in implementing long term improvement initiatives through continuous training of the employees (Smith et al., 2014). The supply chain management ensures that the company gets better strategies to develop good partners and enhance cost effectiveness.

Inventory is also critical. Marriot International uses inventory to plan and promote inventory control. The scheduling element is also critical in enhancing operation management decision. The management would rely on the scheduling element to promote production and organization of human resources. The last area in operations management decision aspects is maintenance (Krajewski, et al., 2013). The company will apply it in promoting process maintenance and machinery control. These 10 areas of critical decision in operations management would help Marriot International to maintain quality and keep the customers satisfied.

My initial thoughts on the financial projects such as operations management, strategic performance, and quality improvement topics would apply well to Marriot International Inc. It is because Marriot International Inc. is wide and large enough to rely on these topics to enhance productivity of the corporation.


Krajewski, L. J., Ritzman, L. P., & Malhotra, M. K. (2013). Operations management: Processes and supply chains (Vol. 1). New York: Pearson.

Smith, L., Maull, R., & CL Ng, I. (2014). Servitization and operations management: a service dominant-logic approach. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(2), 242-269.