Good Morning I am looking for assistance with a 12 page APA style research paper on cloud computing. I have attached the guidelines/instructions to this file as well as the introduction paragraph I st

Inside The World of Cloud Computing

Below is my Abstract/Thesis Statement:

Cloud computing is becoming an increasingly popular enterprise model within the IT World in which computing resources are made available on-demand to the user as needed. The unique value proposition of cloud computing creates new opportunities that aligns IT and business goals making it highly beneficial to meet overhead standards within the company. Cloud computing uses different internet technologies for delivery of IT-Enabled capabilities as a service to any needed user. In this paper I will provide a comprehensive look into the motivation factors of adopting cloud computing, review the several cloud deployment and service models. I will also explore certain benefits of cloud computing over traditional IT service environment-including scalability, flexibility, reduced capital and higher resource utilization are considered as adoption reasons for cloud computing environment.