InstructionsFor your final project for this course, you will conduct a full postproject analysis on the project that you selected from the provided list in your Module One journal activity. Now that y

QSO 645 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview: For your final project in this cours e, you will conduct a full post project analysis on the completed project that you selected from the pr ovided list in your Module One j ournal activity . Now that you have received feedback on that assignment , it is time to begin setting up your final project. In this milestone, you will have the opportunity to summarize the key details of the project, discuss the initial vision and scope, and assess t he impact of the different levels and roles of various stakeholders. For Milestone One, you will discuss the project details, which should familiarize you with the key points . You will also review the scope and stakeholders , which will better prepare you for subsequent material. You are expected to gather information from both the course and outside resources to assist in preparation for your thorough assessment of all knowledge areas at the end of the course. Once complete, this milestone will become a compo nent of the final projec t. Prompt: Summarize the key details of the project, discuss the initial vision and scope, and assess the impact of the different levels and roles of various stakeholders. Specifically , the following critical elements must be addr essed: I. Summarize the key project details . II. Determine what was in -scope and out -of-scope for the project, including the success criteria for the project as expected by the sponsor. III. Stakeholders A. Discuss how the progress of the project impacted key stakehol ders and the roles they play in the project. B. Recommend solutions and their expected outcomes to staffing issues . Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be a 3- to 4 -page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12 -point Times New Roman font, one -inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format. Critical Elements Proficient (100% ) Needs Improvement (75% ) Not Evident (0% ) Value Project Details Summarizes the key project details Summarizes the project details, but summary lacks specificity, misses key details, or contains inaccuracies Does not summarize key project details 25 Scope Determines what was in -scope and out -of-scope for the project, including the success criteria for the project as expected by the sponsor Determines what was in -scope and out -of-scope for the project, but determination is missing elements of scope, lacks success criteria, or contains inaccuracies Does not determine wh at was in - scope and out -of-scope for the project 25 Stakeholders: Progress Discusses how the progress of the project impacted key stakeholders and the roles they play in the project Discusses how the progress of the project impacted key stakeholders and t he roles they play in the project, but discussion is cursory or contains inaccuracies Does not discuss how the progress of the project impacted key stakeholders and the roles they play in the project 20 Stakeholders: Staffing Issues Recommends solutions and their expected outcomes to staffing issues Recommends solutions and their expected outcomes to staffing issues, but recommendations are inappropriate or do not address outcomes Does not recommend solutions to staffing issues 20 Articulation of Respons e Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%