Journal Prompt - Win-WinPart One:Reflect on your experience this semester working with your group members.Were there any difficulties/barriers/obstacles/conflict that may have arise during your experi

PSA Presentation Outline Template group assignment

Slogan: If youre with us, be with us


AG: (PSA Video)

Thesis: With the rise of technology, communication has never been easier. We can call our friends with just a simple push of a button, send messages in a matter of minutes and reach people even if theyre on the other side of the world! Theres no doubt that mediated communication helps in creating and keeping connections. The danger comes when we allow it to intervene with our face-to-face interactions.

Preview: To better understand the social impacts of this interpersonal behavior, we will first explain the behavior, second reveal how we adapted our PSA to our target audience, and finally explain the current interpersonal research and trends.


Main Point 1:

Explain significance of this behavior. Why is this concept important?

Naming all the concepts concerned with this behavior

Although phone became more and more personal and self-centered, we had often diluted the sense of integration. Doesn't matter what kind of party it is, using the phone is definitely not a high emotional intelligence, polite performance, and will only make you lonely.

I do not want to be such person, I believe you do not want be that person either.

In real life we still had to deal with many people in person not just by using phone to communicate and solve things.

we should learn how to communicate with others and understand each other rather than learning it through the phone.

How will this concept help improve your life and the lives of others?

Living in the momentIts important to focus on the at hand rather than averting your attention to your phone.

It will help improve your relationship with others. It shows that you care about spending quality time with the person youre talking to.

Main Point 2: Target Audience - Kang

Who is the target audience for your PSA. Why did you choose this target audience?

The target audience will be millennials. Young people can be enthusiastic. They can easily be encouraged to respect other people by avoiding looking at the phones when talking to others. They will also pass the innovative ideas to people around them.

How did you design your PSA to attract the attention of your target audience? Why did you choose this storyline?

We set the situations right in the campus and students would feel that this speech was closely related to them, because it was often seen in our daily life. We chose to show several examples because it happens with everyone, all the time. We wanted to emphasize that looking at the phone when communicating with others can be an insulting for other people. Instead, to get yourself totally involved in a conversation will let people feel respected and relaxed.

Why did you choose your specific language, images, video, and audio? Explain the purpose of each.

We chose to skip out on dialogue because we really wanted to focus on the visuals. We decided to show various shots of people in conversation, and then sort of ending that conversation by looking at their phones because its become such a normal thing now. We really wanted to focus on how inattentive and uncaring it looks to just look down at your phone when youre talking to someone in person. We chose the slogan If youre with us, be with usbecause it embodies the fact that when youre on your phone in front of other people, you are no longer fully engaged.

Main Point 3: Current Research

Is there new research in this area that your textbook doesnt discuss?

The textbook doesnt go over this specific behavior, so the bulk our research had to come from outside sources.

What is the current interpersonal research trend regarding your concept?

A study done by Emily Drago published in 2015 surveyed 100 students from Elon University. Drago found that that 74% of the students surveyed claimed that it bothers me when my friends or family use technology while spending time with me.Yet 100% of those students admitted to using some type of technology while spending time with their friends or family. 18% reported always74% reported sometimes8% reported rarely.Zero percent of the students indicated that they never use their cell phone or tablet when spending time with friends or family.The students were also asked whether or not they thought the presence of technology had a negative effect on face-to-face interpersonal communication, and 92% said yes. When asked whether they notices quality degradation in conversation amongst the presence of technologyeighty-nine percent believed there was.So we understand that this behavior is detrimental to our interpersonal relationships, but we still continue to engage in it.

In her thesis published May 2017, Chloe Scarborough of Texas State University explains that our intolerance to boredom is caused not only by the sheer volume of media that we consume, but also the way in which we receive the onslaught of digital information. We never have to be bored online because there is always more information to take in.This easy accessibility has created major setbacks in how we approach face-to-face communication. Scarborough goes on to say that our intolerance to boredom online extends to our real-life conversations and we begin to get distracted as soon as there is a lull or a pause.These pauses, however, are actually a sign of good conversation. They convey genuine absorption of what is being said, and often lead to more meaningful questions, which make for more significant interactions. When we take those lulls as awkward and look to our phones, we prevent the chance to make those meaningful interactions.

How can this behavior be applied in other areas of your life?

We all know that face-to-face interpersonal communication is not the only inappropriate time we look at our phones. We do it when we drive, and we all know how tragic that can be. We do it when were supposed to be doing our work. In other classes its caused me to leave things to the last minute, which, in turn, hurt my grade.


Signal to close: Weve now come to the end of our speech.

Review: This person explained the concept, this person revealed the target audience, and this person went over the current research.

Restate thesis: Technology shouldnt rule your interpersonal interactions.

Closing Statement: In this digital age, weve become addicted to the convenience of technology and social networking. Even though they have their advantages, too much of it will cause strain and unnecessary distractions in our relationships. Social media has its time and place. Knowing when to use it and when to set it down will help improve your life immensely. So, the next time you reply to that message, check your twitter or post a selfie on snapchat, be mindful enough of its effects it when youre with someone. Remember, if youre with us, be with us!
